Project Description
API Firewall is a high-performance proxy with API request and response validation based on OpenAPI and GraphQL schemas. It is designed to protect REST and GraphQL API endpoints in cloud-native environments. API Firewall provides API hardening with the use of a positive security model allowing calls that match a predefined API specification for requests and responses, while rejecting everything else.
The key features of API Firewall are:
- Secure REST and GraphQL API endpoints by blocking malicious requests
- Stop API data breaches by blocking malformed API responses
- Discover Shadow API endpoints
- Validate JWT access tokens for OAuth 2.0 protocol-based authentication
- Denylist compromised API tokens, keys, and Cookies
The product is open source, available at DockerHub and already got 1 billion (!!!) pulls. To support this project, you can star the repository.
Download source code as [.zip file] [.tar.gz file]
Documentation: [README]