Reciprocity: 7 Steps to Creating an Effective User Access Review Program

Reciprocity: 7 Steps to Creating an Effective User Access Review Program


Taking regular inventories of your users and their needs helps keep your company and it’s information safe and secure. However, reviewing a user’s access is less about reviewing password safety and more about reviewing how much information an employee needs to do their job. With the human and electronic risks growing every day, internally monitoring your company’s user access is critical to protecting your company’s information. Unfortunately, finding the right way to tackle this workload can be challenging.

Join us as Dave Schmoeller, Reciprocity’s Director of GRC, offers a handful of easy to implement best practices that will ensure that user access reviews are implemented successfully. You will learn how to:

  • Identify the right user access review requirements
  • Make implementing user access reviews effective
  • Build reports to drive effective decisions
  • Automate reviews and compliance