Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Falco Support on AWS Fargate

Today we’re very excited to announce a partnership with Amazon to support Fargate in Sysdig’s product line. We are also announcing that Falco, the world’s most popular runtime security tool for containers, will soon be able to work on Fargate. This is an important milestone. For the first time, Fargate users will enjoy the benefit of deep instrumentation. This will make their workloads more secure, reliable, and efficient.

Auditing Cloud Administrator Behavior as a Matter of Data Breach Preparedness

New technologies often present interesting challenges for security teams, with cloud services such as AWS, Azure and GCP providing particularly novel cases in comparison to “classic” on-premise systems. As cloud services race to add new features that drive new customer interest and increase retention of existing clients, there is a very real risk of exposing new threat vectors to the business if even the most minor of misconfigurations occurs.

Gravity: Running Cloud Applications in Remote, Restricted and Regulated Environments.

Gravity is an application delivery system that lets engineers deliver and run cloud-native applications in regulated, restricted, or remote environments without added complexity. Gravity works by putting applications and all their dependencies onto a single deployable file, which can be used to create hardened Kubernetes clusters that can reliably and securely run in any Linux environment: edge, multi-cloud, private cloud, on-prem, and air-gapped.

Add Retries to Your API Calls

Whether you're making API calls from Node.js or in the browser, connection failures are going to happen eventually. Some request errors are valid. Maybe the endpoint was wrong or the client sent the wrong data. Other times you can be sure that the error is the result of a problem with the connection to the server or one of the many hops in-between. While API and web service monitoring can inform you about the problem, a more active solution can take care of it for you.

Webinar on Key to Effective Cloud Security in 2020

Cloud migration challenges Few applications don’t work well on cloud-like how they work on-premises, IT leaders need to figure out cloud migration failures in such instances as it could be due to poor latency, compliance challenges or security concerns. Due to the higher cost of cloud people generally think applications will work well however it is not the case as few applications won’t work well on the cloud that is why it is important for managers to rethink their strategies.