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iPhone Security: How to Remove A Hacker From My iPhone

We have all become pretty familiar with our smartphones due to the amount of time we spend on them. According to recent data, the average user spends 3 hours and 15 minutes on their phones every day. As a result, the chance of you noticing something is not quite right with your phone is quite high. However, knowing the cause of the problem and how to fix it can be slightly more difficult. Is your iPhone behaving strangely due to outdated software, age, or hardware problem?

A Complete Overview of OWASP Mobile Top 10 2024 (+ A Free Checklist)

31% of executives cite improper risk identification as their organizations’ top cybersecurity challenge. Reacting only to attacks leads to an average 118-day breach detection time, which can significantly impact business. Staying informed about cybersecurity risks is crucial. OWASP offers a list of common threats for testers, but some find them insufficient due to its crowdsourced nature.

How to Share a Keeper Record on Android

Keeper’s Android mobile app makes it easy to securely share records with friends and family. To share a record with another Keeper user, select the record from your vault and tap Share, then Share with User. Enter the user's email address or select it from the dropdown, then use the toggle buttons to choose what permissions the user will receive such as: “Can Edit”, “Can Share” and "Make Owner". If you do not enable any permissions, the user will have “view only” access. Upon tapping Save, the user will receive an email notifying them that you have shared a record.

Behind the Screen: The Peril of Neglecting Mobile Apps

Everyone knows that running outdated computer applications comes with annoyances and risks. An outdated application might face performance issues or just become slower than modern versions. It might face compatibility issues and have limited functionalities. It might lose technical support and even fail to meet current industry standards and regulations, which could put your organization at risk for non-compliance penalties and legal action.

How To Prevent SIM Swap Fraud: 7 Tips to Prevent SIM Swapping

Today, consumers can shop, sell, research, and work using their smartphones. Advancements in technology have made it possible for users to complete countless transactions through their phones anywhere and anytime. One of the most common phone scams targeting modern consumers is subscriber identity module (SIM) swapping. This short guide will outline the dangers of this subtle attack on devices and how consumers can protect themselves.

Google Patches Pixel Phone Zero-days After Exploitation by "Forensic Companies"

Google has issued a security advisory to owners of its Android Pixel smartphones, warning that it has discovered someone has been targeting some devices to bypass their built-in security. What makes the reported attacks particularly interesting is that traditional cybercriminals may not be behind them, but rather "forensic companies" exploiting two vulnerabilities to extract information and prevent remote wiping.