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Analysis: A new ransomware group emerges from the Change Healthcare cyber attack

As the full scope of the Change Healthcare cyber attack and ransomware story unfolds, a new leading gang has emerged known as ‘RansomHub’. This ‘new’ group has been claiming more victims since the massive February ransomware and data breach attack. On April 8, Forescout Research – Vedere Labs obtained samples used by RansomHub affiliates in a separate incident.

Exposing the exploited: Analyzing vulnerabilities that live in the wild

It’s time to recognize official security vulnerability catalog systems aren’t enough. There are too many gaps in the named security vulnerability process. And plenty of vulnerabilities do not receive the attention they deserve. Some vendors silently patch issues while others leave vulnerabilities in a reserved state. There is not one source of information that contains every vulnerability being exploited. The result?

UK PSTI Act is a milestone for IoT security and passwords

The growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is reshaping our digital landscape. From smart thermostats to industrial sensors to IP cameras to smart toilets, these devices drive efficiency through innovation. But they aren’t secure by nature. A new UK law aims to make IoT products much more secure. On April 29, the UK’s Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) Act became official and is now enforcing compliance across IoT assets.

Beyond Bullet Holes: Unveiling Cybersecurity's Hidden Risk Exposures

The art of risk assessment has long been a crucial element of military strategy and decision-making – and it remains critical to today’s best practices in cybersecurity defense. Abraham Wald, a mathematical genius, played a pivotal role in revolutionizing the understanding of hidden risk and exposure with his innovative work on aircraft survivability. During World War II, the US air force wanted effective methods to protect aircraft against enemy fire.

The cyber threat landscape in Japan - risks, threats and mitigation guidance

In our recent research “Better Safe Than Sorry”, we reported how the number of exposed OT/ICS devices in Japan grew by 372% over the past six years. During this time, several notable cyber-attacks targeted businesses and government entities in Japan. The substantial increase in exposed OT/ICS combined with the recent cyber-attacks in Japan has prompted us to give a deeper look at the current threat landscape in the country.

Why Chinese-made IoT devices are growing in the US despite bans

Between 2023 and 2024, Chinese-made IoT devices in US networks grew by over 40%, as reported in our recent Forescout Research — Vedere Labs report. Why have banned Chinese-devices grown over the last year in the US and in other regions? In this video, Elisa Costante, our VP of Research, and Rik Ferguson, our VP of Security Intelligence, explore this question in detail.

The global threat evolution of internet-exposed OT/ICS

Operational technology (OT) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are core parts of an engine fueling critical infrastructure in industrialized nations worldwide. Water treatment facilities. Wastewater plants. Electrical transmission and distribution hubs. Nuclear power and manufacturing plants. Energy pipelines.

#DidYouKnow? Rogue Devices are a Threat to Your Network

#DidYouKnow? Rogue devices are a serious threat to your network! It doesn't matter if it's an unauthorized game console an employee added, or hacker plugging into an exposed ethernet port. Knowing what you have and what you should have helps you ensure you take devices off your network that shouldn't be there. #NAC #cybersecurity #rogue #networksecurity