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The latest News and Information on Security Incident and Event Management.

Using SIEM for Simplifying SOX Compliance

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) establishes requirements for the integrity of the source data used in financial transactions and reporting. In particular, auditors are looking at regulated data residing in databases connected to enterprise applications. To prove the integrity of financial data, companies must extend audit processes to the financial information stored within corporate databases.

Must-Have Features of a Modern SIEM

Initially, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions were readily adopted because of their capability to provide actionable insights into the deep corners of an organization’s network. Legacy SIEM systems helped in understanding when and where security incidents are happening in real-time. Soon enough, these SIEM systems faced an avalanche of false positives, and they required a dedicated team to filter out irrelevant alerts.

Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM overview

Sumo Logic's Cloud SIEM solution provides security analysts with enhanced visibility to seamlessly monitor their on-prem, hybrid, and multi-cloud infrastructures and thoroughly understand the impact and context of an attack. In addition to supporting a wide spectrum of security use cases, including audit & compliance, Sumo Logic fused analytics and SOC automation to perform security analyst workflows and automatically triage alerts—increasing human efficiencies and enabling analysts to focus on higher-value security functions.
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Validating your IT environment, discovering browser extensions & more with EventSentry v4.2

This latest update to EventSentry improves your security posture with validation scripts, simplifies IT troubleshooting for both administrators and users, gives you visibility into installed browser extensions along with many other usability improvements in the web reports.

Data Management on Logsign SIEM: What you must know

Log data plays an unparalleled role in the operation and functioning of a SIEM solution. Or in other words, logs are intrinsic for an effective SIEM solution. Without incoming log data from a variety of different sources in your IT infrastructure, a SIEM essentially becomes useless. In our previous posts, we have explored a variety of features of Logsign SIEM concerning dashboards, reports, search queries, alerts, and behavior definitions.

A New Framework for Modern Security

We are in the midst of an unprecedented convergence of events that are forcing enterprises to dramatically change how they secure their modern businesses. With the acceleration of digital transformation from COVID-19, work-from-home initiatives, the continued growth of SaaS and the increasing adoption of microservices-based applications, the modern enterprise threat landscaping is transforming rapidly.

Logging of security events in SIEM

Effective logging of events and activities in an organization’s technical infrastructure exponentially boosts the capabilities of its SIEM solution. In this article, we explore how logs are leveraged in a SIEM solution. First off, log entries can be helpful for multiple purposes such as security, performance analysis, troubleshooting, etc. Considering the size of a modern enterprise’s IT technical infrastructure, monitoring the network alone is not a favorable approach.

Find the Correct MSSP or Build an Efficient SOC? (Part 2)

Many organizations don’t rely on outsourced security solutions such as MSSP. Rather, they prefer building their own SOC to combat nefarious cybersecurity threats and attacks. However, it is vital to know how an effective SOC is built and what should be its essential security ingredients.

How to Use SIEM Effectively?

In the last article, we talked about the top 5 SIEM reports and how you can generate them on the Logsign SIEM platform. We covered reports related to user accounts, file access, user/group changes, threats, and attacks. This article will show how you can effectively use the Logsign SIEM platform along the lines of the most popular use cases. A use case is defined as a series of actions or events between a system and a user that achieve a particular goal.