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Kerberos Authentication: Basics to Kerberos attacks

Developed by MIT, Kerberos Authentication Protocol is the default authentication service for Microsoft Active Directory. It is named after the three-headed dog (Cerberus) found in Greek mythology, because the security protocol involves three major steps in the entire authentication process. Although Kerberos is a technology used by Microsoft Windows, by default, its implementations in other operating systems, such as Linux, FreeBSD and macOS, are also present.

What is Ethical Hacking? Working, Techniques and Jobs

In the past, if someone called themselves hacker chances are, they received some backlash or negative connotations. However, in recent times as the field of information is on the rise a new term ‘Ethical Hacking’ has emerged and opened many different avenues for IT and cyber security professionals.

Defense in Depth - Definition & Relation to Layered Security Approach

As the use of technology increases in every aspect of our daily lives, the rate of cyber attacks also grows exponentially. In today’s world, organisations need to be highly equipped in their defences against cyberattacks so that they may better protect their assets, and it is here that the defence in depth approach is adopted.

Tiny Banker Trojan

While living in the 21st century, no one can live off offline modes of payment all the time. Financial institutions, especially banks, have gone the extra mile to ease the process for their clients in the meantime, attracting cybercriminals and their ever-changing malware as threats to their information security. Tinba is one such threat especially plaguing Windows. Read on to know more about the tiny virus and its not so tiny implications.

How To Send A Secure Email In Outlook

Sensitive data leaks are too common in the headlines these days, and there is no need to waste space explaining why it is essential to secure your sensitive information. Secure encryption is one such method to ensure your email messages are encrypted to be read-only by the intended recipients. Sending an encrypted email message is the need of the hour for business or professional practice and Outlook encryption is the best possible solution available in the market.

What is the difference between a vendor and a third party vendor?

A manufacturing organisation providing direct goods and services is known as a vendor. If the same services and products are provided on behalf of a direct vendor, they are known as third-party vendors. Third-party vendors always have a direct written contract, but not each vendor and organisation works with contracts. The definition of an entity as a third-party vendor depends on the organisation hiring its services.

What is DHCP? Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Guide

Without DHCP, it is difficult to imagine how we would be able to connect to the internet or our local network. DHCP is a vital part of how our devices on IP networks communicate with each other and the world around us. This article will cover DHCP in-depth, explaining what it is, how it works, its components, logging, configuration, and its benefits.

What is a spoofing attack? Types of spoofing and prevention measures

Spoofing attacks are on the rise. What is a spoofing attack, you ask? Essentially, it attempts to gain unauthorised access to systems, devices or networks by masquerading as a valid user. In other words, spoofing attackers try to mimic or copy the behaviour of authorised users to steal information or gain access.

CRLF Injection Attack Explained

Web applications across the digital world are teeming with vulnerabilities increasingly equipped to defeat security mechanisms. Among them are injection attacks. We are aware of the many injection vulnerabilities present in a web application, for example, SQL injection, HTML injection, CRLF injection, cross-site scripting and many others. This article will discuss CRLF injection vulnerability in detail for web application security.