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How to Secure NodeJS API?

If you are building an API, you are most likely evaluating the pros and cons of available technologies. Sooner or later, you will surely come across NodeJS. NodeJS helps to create stable, scalable, and backward-compatible APIs. Besides the functionalities, you can’t overlook the security risk that comes with them. When misconfigured, insecure APIs leave your companies with high-profile cyber-attacks. Like any APIs, those developed with NodeJS come with security threats.

NPM security: preventing supply chain attacks

NPM security has been a trending topic in the media in recent years, mostly in reference to npm packages available on the ecosystem rather than the npm registry itself. The increasing security risk, that applies to developers and software we build, makes it even more important to understand how to prevent supply chain attacks and other security vulnerabilities related to software development life cycle.

Understanding NPM Dependency Confusions - What You Need to Know

NPM Dependency Confusion Join us in this livestream as we learn about NPM Dependency Confusions and what it is. If you have ever been confused about the topic, then this video will explain it you, as well as give you some practical examples. Didn't catch the live stream? Ask all of your Snyk questions and we’ll do our very best to answer them in the comment section. Snyk helps software-driven businesses develop fast and stay secure. Continuously find and fix vulnerabilities for npm, Maven, NuGet, RubyGems, PyPI and more.

Node.js multithreading with worker threads series: worker_threads tutorial

Node.js provides a single-threaded JavaScript run-time surface that prevents code from running multiple operations in parallel. If your application typically employs synchronous execution, you may encounter blocks during long-running operations. However, Node.js itself is a multi-threaded application. This is evident when you use one of the standard library’s asynchronous methods to perform I/O operations, such as reading a file or making a network request.

Cybercriminals targeted users of packages with a total of 1.5 billion weekly downloads on npm

Another week, another supply chain incident. It’s been only nine days since the Mend research team detected the dYdX incident, and today we have detected another supply chain malicious campaign. On October 02, 2022 at 12:12 UTC, a new npm account was registered, and a package called nuiversalify was immediately uploaded. The same threat actor then proceeded to publish more typo/spellcheck squattings of popular packages until 14:03:29 UTC, with small but irregular time gaps between uploads.

Choosing the best Node.js Docker image

Choosing a Node.js Docker image may seem like a small thing, but image sizes and potential vulnerabilities can have dramatic effects on your CI/CD pipeline and security posture. So, how do you choose the best Node.js Docker image? It can be easy to miss the potential risks of using FROM node:latest, or just FROM node(which is an alias for the former). This is even more true if you’re unaware of the overall security risks and sheer file size they introduce to a CI/CD pipeline.

Explaining the csurf vulnerability: CSRF attacks on all versions

On September 11th, 2022, Snyk published a vulnerability report for the popular CSRF token management csurf npm package. The vulnerability impacts all known versions, which are currently yielding more than 400,000 downloads per week. The vulnerability report is based on the public disclosure by security consultant Adrian Tiron and their write-up on the Fortbridge blog.

10 best practices to containerize Node.js web applications with Docker

September 14, 2022: Check out our new and improved cheat sheet for containerizing Node.js web applications with Docker! Are you looking for best practices on how to build Node.js Docker images for your web applications? Then you’ve come to the right place! The following article provides production-grade guidelines for building optimized and secure Node.js Docker images. You’ll find it helpful regardless of the Node.js application you aim to build.

How to Conquer Remote Code Execution (RCE) in npm

Recently, there have been some remote code execution (RCE) attacks that included just a single line of well-built code that can run a remote shell. Let’s take a look at why and how these attacks work, why npm is particularly susceptible, what could happen if they get into machines, and how to detect and fix them.