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Preventing SQL injection attacks in Node.js

As reliance on software systems continues to grow, so does the emergence of numerous security threats. One notable threat for developers, especially those working with Node.js, is SQL injection. SQL injection is a malicious attack where nefarious SQL code is injected into a system, exposing sensitive information, corrupting or deleting data, and sometimes, granting unauthorized access to attackers.

Preventing server-side request forgery in Node.js applications

Server-side request forgery (SSRF) is a common vulnerability that can crop up unknowingly in any Node.js application. It poses a significant threat because attackers can manipulate a server into making unintended requests to both internal and external resources. This article will explore SSRF, its potential risks, and the strategies to mitigate SSRF in Node.js applications.

How to protect Node.js apps from CSRF attacks

A cross-site request forgery attack (CSRF) attack is a security vulnerability capitalizing on trust between a web browser and a legitimate website. Crafty attackers manipulate browsers into executing malicious actions on websites where users authenticate themselves and log in. Often, these attacks start when users click a link attached to a deceptive email or land on a compromised website, unaware of the logic executing in the background.

Node.js vs. Deno vs. Bun: JavaScript runtime comparison

JavaScript runtimes help you build advanced, server-driven JavaScript projects that aren't dependent on the user's browser to run. There are several choices of runtimes available, with the supremacy of the old stalwart Node.js being challenged by Deno and Bun. Deno is the latest project produced by the same developer who originally created Node.js, Ryan Dahl, back in 2009.

How to implement SSL/TLS pinning in Node.js

With threat actors performing man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, having an SSL/TLS certificate is no longer a valid reason to trust an incoming connection. Consequently, developers are increasingly adopting SSL/TLS pinning, also known as certificate or public key pinning, as an additional measure to prove the authenticity and integrity of a connection.

How to generate an SBOM for JavaScript and Node.js applications

SBOM is the acronym for Software Bill of Materials, which is a list of all the open source npm packages that are part of your project. But it’s not only limited to open source or software packages, and can include operating system libraries, microservices inventory and more.