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How to choose the Best Node.js Docker Image

Today we walk through the best options for your Node.js Docker Image, how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes, and the best ways to strengthen the security of your projects effectively. ⏲️ Chapters ⏲️ ⚒️ About Snyk ⚒️ Snyk helps you find and fix vulnerabilities in your code, open-source dependencies, containers, infrastructure-as-code, software pipelines, IDEs, and more! Move fast, stay secure.

Nine Docker pro tips for Node.js developers

If you spend quite a bit of time in the command line, working with Docker images and containers locally to build and test them, you might be in the mood for some power-user Docker commands. We're skipping the basics and diving straight into the lesser-known yet highly effective commands that can significantly improve your Docker experience.

NPM Manifest Confusion: Six Months Later

Several months ago, Darcy Clarke, a former Staff Engineering Manager at GitHub, discovered the “Manifest Confusion” bug in the npm ecosystem. The bug was caused by the npm registry not validating whether the manifest file contained in the tarball (package.json) matches the manifest data published to the npm server. Clarke claims this to be a large threat, allowing malicious actors to deceive developers and hide harmful code from detection.

5 Node.js security code snippets every backend developer should know

As backend developers, we are tasked with the crucial role of ensuring the security of our applications. Node.js is not exempt from this responsibility and its growing popularity makes it a lucrative target for hackers, making it imperative to follow best security practices when working with Node.js. In this blog post, we will be exploring some essential Node.js security code snippets every backend developer should know in 2024.