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Hands-on guide: How to scan and block container images to mitigate SBOM attacks

According to OpenLogic’s Open Source Adoption and Expansion in 2022 Report, the adoption of Open Source Software (OSS) across all sizes of organizations is rising with 40% of respondents stating an increase of OSS software over the previous year and 36% reporting a significant increase in OSS software usage. The increase in OSS adoption can be attributed to a number of factors including access to the latest innovations, reduction in costs and frequent product updates.

Sysdig Live: Are you prepared for the new SEC Cyberattack Disclosure Guidelines?

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Kubernetes 1.27 Release: Enhancements and Security Updates

The Kubernetes 1.27 release brings multiple enhancements and security updates, providing users with an improved, more flexible, and secure platform for building and managing containerized applications. This post will provide an overview of the security-related updates and most significant enhancements in v1.27.

Styra Load: Using Data From Kafka for Real time Policy Decisions

Styra Load supports the Kafka API, which makes it possible to stream data updates to Styra Load. This can be useful when events representing changes to data used in policy evaluation are available on a Kafka topic. Here, Adam Sandor explains how you can use Kafta streaming data to make real-time policy decisions.

Failing Less at Kubernetes with Policy as Code & OPA

Kubernetes has become the de facto way to run modern computing platforms, both in the cloud and on-premise. This is a huge change from just a few years ago, and it didn’t happen overnight. On the road to production readiness with Kubernetes, many have run afoul. Thanks to Kubernetes Failure Stories though, engineering teams from around the world have shared in detail what they did wrong and how they can avoid making the same mistake in the future.

What is SOC 2 and how do you achieve SOC 2 compliance for containers and Kubernetes?

SOC 2 is a compliance standard for service organizations, developed by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), which specifies how organizations should manage customer data. SOC 2 is based on five overarching Trust Services Criteria (TSC): security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. Specifically, the security criteria are broken down into nine sections called common criteria (CC).

Container security essentials

As the preferred method for packaging and deploying cloud-native applications, a comprehensive understanding of containers, and how to secure them, has never been so important. As cloud-native applications continue to proliferate, containers are becoming the preferred option to package and deploy these applications because of the agility and scalability they offer. In fact, Gartner predicts that 75% of global organizations are running containerized applications in production.

What Is Kubernetes Admission Control?

Kubernetes admission control is a mechanism that validates and modifies requests to the Kubernetes API server before they are processed. Admission control can enforce policies, security rules, resource limits, default values and other elements of the cluster’s use. This mechanism can also reject requests that violate certain rules or conditions.

Introducing Calico Runtime Threat Defense-The most extensive security coverage for containers and Kubernetes

Containerized applications are complex, which is why an effective container security strategy is difficult to design and execute. As digitalization continues to push applications and services to the cloud, bad actors’ attack techniques have also become more sophisticated, which further challenges container security solutions available on the market.