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Timing out synchronous functions with regex

How hard can it be to support custom container image tags? Turns out… quite! I know this because my team has been busy at work on our new custom base image support for Snyk Container, andwe were tasked with the following problem: Given a tag, parse its parts to be able to compare it to other similar tags. It was a fun problem to solve, and we'd love to share how we got to our final solution!

Proxyjacking has Entered the Chat

Did you know that you can effortlessly make a small passive income by simply letting an application run on your home computers and mobile phones? It lets others (who pay a fee to a proxy service provider) borrow your Internet Protocol (IP) address for things like watching a YouTube video that isn’t available in their region, conducting unrestricted web scraping and surfing, or browsing dubious websites without attributing the activity to their own IP.

GitOps with Styra DAS and OPA

The practice of infrastructure as code (IaC) has enabled platform teams to control infrastructure using code stored in Git. This enables teams to apply standard development practices like code review and testing to infrastructure management. The practice of GitOps takes this a step further by: Open Policy Agent (OPA), thanks to its Rego policy language, enables organizations to manage their authorization policies as code (PaC).

OPA vs. Enterprise OPA: Why You Need Enterprise OPA

We recently released Enterprise OPA, the drop-in enterprise edition of Open Policy Agent (OPA). With Enterprise OPA, we aim to solve several challenges large organizations encounter when using OPA. These include performance and memory usage when using large datasets, keeping authorization data up to date and performing policy updates in a safe way.

4 ways to leverage existing kernel security features to set up process monitoring

The large attack surface of Kubernetes’ default pod provisioning is susceptible to critical security vulnerabilities, some of which include malicious exploits and container breakouts. I believe one of the most effective workload runtime security measures to prevent such exploits is layer-by-layer process monitoring within the container. It may sound like a daunting task that requires additional resources, but in reality, it is actually quite the opposite.

How to reduce your RPO and recover rapidly from failure on your K8s Cluster with Trilio and Mirantis

What is Continuous Restore Trilio’s Continuous Restore capability enables migration and replication of stateful applications in seconds or minutes so that all Organizations can protect and use their data anywhere - regardless of what the application runs on or where the data is stored. This innovation enables data-driven organizations to access ‘Single-Source-of-Truth’ data from multiple heterogeneous clouds simultaneously, from any cloud or storage platform to another, providing near-instantaneous recovery times for your workloads.

How to Detect SCARLETEEL with Sysdig Secure

The recent SCARLETEEL incident highlights the importance of detecting security threats early in the development cycle. With Terraform state files, attackers can easily access sensitive information and gain unauthorized access to your cloud infrastructure. In this case, the attackers exploited a containerized workload and used it to perform privilege escalation into an AWS account, stealing software and credentials.

Enforcing Role-based Access Control (RBAC) Policies with OPA

A common use case our customers have for Open Policy Agent (OPA) is access control. The problem of access control is generally broken down into two parts, authentication and authorization. Authentication is about making sure we can trust someone’s stated identity, authorization is making decisions about who can do what.

CSI Container: Can you DFIR it?

Do you like detective series? Have you ever thought about them actually taking place in cybersecurity? What do you think of CSI on containers? Are you interested in how to apply Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) to containers and clusters? If all your answers are YES, you will love this article. The CloudNative SecurityCon occurred in early February 2023, where leading security experts gathered to present their latest research and projects.

SANS Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) Buyers Guide

The SANS Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPPs) Buyers Guide gives companies a deep dive into what to look for in a CNAPP solution. As organizations continue to shift towards integrated platform-based solutions for their cloud security needs, it becomes critical to evaluate whether a CNAPP solution meets all the requirements across use cases like posture management, permissions management, vulnerability management, and threat detection and response.