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Defense-in-Depth for Secrets Management: Discovery, Visibility, Leak Detection and AI

In the past, many security teams considered securing secrets enough – if your secrets were secured, you were good. While you’re still kind-of-good staying on this course, security professionals increasingly recognize that just securing secrets is not enough – organizations require a more sophisticated solution to help protect themselves in today’s increasingly sophisticated threat landscape.

Fines for HIPAA Non-Compliance

In today’s digital age, the exchange and storage of information has become very common in all sectors of the world, healthcare being no exception. But with this transmission and storage comes the dangers of security and unauthorized access. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted with stringent regulations to safeguard this data and its violations can be severe.

Breaking the cybersecurity automation logjam won't break the bank

Right now, to boost efficiency and achieve economies of scale, businesses want to automate as much as possible. In back office processes, approaches like Robotic Process Automation (RPA), for example, are now increasingly standard and are expected to be a $20bn-plus market by 2030. In parallel, enterprises are looking to ChatGPT and Generative AI to help them speed up everything from creating marketing brochures to drug discovery.

University Cybersecurity Clinics Can Now Use the New CISA Resource Guide

Budgetary and resource constraints play a huge role in cyberattacks on smaller organizations. Amidst a strained global economy, many under-resourced organizations like non-profits, local governments, and hospitals struggle to keep their heads above water - they simply don't have the funds to invest in cybersecurity.

7 Best Endpoint Management & Monitoring Software in 2024

Endpoint management and monitoring are critical for maintaining an organization’s IT infrastructure’s security, performance, and efficiency. Whether you’re dealing with remote workers, corporate devices, or virtual endpoints, having reliable endpoint management tools is essential. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top solutions available.

Nightfall Sensitive Data Protection for Email

Leverage Nightfall’s AI-native platform to pinpoint and protect PII, PCI, PHI, secrets, and credentials across SaaS and email, including Gmail. Built with AI at the core, Nightfall Sensitive Data Protection is transforming email DLP by helping security teams to… … detect sensitive data with 2x better precision and 4x fewer false positive alerts. … act swiftly by blocking or quarantining emails, or removing attachments that contain sensitive data.