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Unveiling Sharp Stealer: A New Threat to Gamers

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, the recent breach by the notorious hacker group R00TK1T serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities faced by even the most established organizations. As the Foresight Threat Team delves into the details of this alarming incident, it becomes imperative to shed light on the implications and lessons to be learned from this breach.

PasskeyScanner: A Kroll BurpSuite Extension for Passkeys

Despite being a globally accepted security measure, passwords have associated issues that have led to countless breaches and compromised systems over many years of not-so-secure authentication technology. Yet passwords remain the dominant form of authentication because more secure options have not been accessible to all users. Passwords have evolved into the security risk they are today because, as the security requirements for passwords have increased, usability has decreased.

Enhancing Developer Efficiency With AI-Powered Remediation

Traditional methods of flaw remediation are not equipped with the technology to keep pace with the rapid evolution of code generation practices, leaving developers incapable of managing burdensome and overwhelming security debt. Code security is still a critical concern in software development. For instance, when GitHub Copilot generated 435 code snippets, almost 36% of them had security weaknesses, regardless of the programming language.

iPhone Security: How to Remove A Hacker From My iPhone

We have all become pretty familiar with our smartphones due to the amount of time we spend on them. According to recent data, the average user spends 3 hours and 15 minutes on their phones every day. As a result, the chance of you noticing something is not quite right with your phone is quite high. However, knowing the cause of the problem and how to fix it can be slightly more difficult. Is your iPhone behaving strangely due to outdated software, age, or hardware problem?

What is the EU Cyber Solidarity Act?

The EU Cyber Solidarity Act is a new initiative that follows the European Union's latest efforts to build stronger cyber defenses against evolving cybersecurity threats. This legislation introduces a new strategy for enhanced cooperation between EU member states and focuses on how EU nations can better prepare and respond to cyber incidents.

TrustCloud's New Hallucination-Proof GraphAI Shaves Hours Off Security Questionnaires

TrustCloud’s AI already pre-fills up to 80% of a security questionnaire, but we’ve developed the next iteration. TrustShare has built new generative AI capabilities called GraphAI. GraphAI will still find the right answer for a security questionnaire topic, but now it will better account for context and generate more natural, accurate responses based on your program controls. GraphAI is built on a retrieval-augmented generative (RAG) model on our large language model (LLM).

How to Perform a Vendor Risk Assessment

Vendor risk assessments are critical for any organization that relies on third-party vendors. Third-party risk can negatively affect an organization’s security, compliance, and performance, resulting in devasting security breaches or disruptions in its supply chain that halt business operations. Organizations use vendor risk assessments to evaluate and manage third-party vendor risks associated with outsourcing business operations or procuring goods from external suppliers.