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SecOps In Seconds: Prioritizing Incidents for Investigation in Splunk Mission Control

This short video takes you through the basics of using Mission Control's Incident Review feature to prioritize your incident investigations. Product Manager Matt Sayar will show you the ropes and help you navigate this feature so you can better understand how to deploy it yourself.

The Art of Protecting Secrets: Eight Essential Concepts for SecOps Practitioners

Secrets management is an art, and mastering it requires a deep understanding of security protocols, meticulous attention to detail, and a proactive approach to staying ahead of threats. In this blog, we present you with eight essential concepts to enhance your credential management strategy.

Gartner SOC Model Guide: Find the Security Operations Center Model That Best Fits Your Needs

Strong, resilient security operations require the proper melding of people, technology, and processes to achieve the goal of reducing the likelihood and impact of cyber threats. The right security operations center (SOC) will strengthen the overall security resiliency of an organization. The wrong one will tax your team — leading to mistakes, breaches, and losses.