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Monitoring in the Cloud

Build an effective framework for monitoring AWS infrastructure and applications, however large or dynamic they may be. The elasticity and nearly infinite scalability of the AWS cloud have transformed IT infrastructure. Modern infrastructure is now made up of constantly changing, often short-lived components. This has elevated the need for new methods and new tools for monitoring.

ELK Stack Comparison

Enterprises are dealing with a rapidly changing and growing IT environment that includes traditional systems and desktops as well as cloud resources and an ever-changing constellation of edge computing devices. Enterprises facing the difficult choice among "build your own," "buy solutions from their suppliers," or integrating open source projects would be well served by learning more about Devo.

Clarity on PCI Compliance

Confused about PCI compliance? Get a clear understanding of this much misunderstood standard with our Clarity On PCI Compliance white paper. This is the first in our 'Security First' series of white papers and provides an illustrated insight into the world of PCI DSS compliance. Inside we explain the requirements, dispel the myths and give you top tips for saving time and effort.