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Non-repudiation: Your Virtual Shield in Cybersecurity

In the digital world, where countless users communicate, share data, and engage in diverse activities, determining the origin and actions behind these interactions can be quite challenging. This is where non-repudiation steps in. Coupling other security factors, such as delivery proof, identity verification, and a digital signature, creates non-repudiation. This guarantees that the parties involved in the transmission are unable to renounce the execution of an action.

Deciphering the Breach of the Tamil Nadu Police Facial Recognition Portal

Introduction: In the digital age, where data reigns supreme, breaches are not just breaches; they're potential threats to our security, privacy, and fundamental rights. The recent breach of the Tamil Nadu Police Facial Recognition Portal underscores the critical importance of preemptive threat analysis and ethical data handling. As Foresiet Threat Team Analysis delves into the depths of this breach, ethical considerations guide our exploration, aiming to illuminate the path forward amidst digital peril.

Centripetal Named Winner of the Coveted Global InfoSec Awards during RSA Conference 2024

Centripetal is proud to announce that it has won the Next Gen Intelligence Powered Security award from Cyber Defense Magazine (CDM), the industry's leading electronic information security magazine.

What is the MITRE ATT&CK

The MITRE ATT&CK framework provides the cybersecurity community with information on more than 100 threat actor groups and the platforms they target. The data within the framework comes from publicly available cyber threat intelligence and reports and security teams and threat researchers. ATT&CK is available for free to anyone who wants to use it.

What Is Security Automation?

Digital transformation initiatives like moving servers to the cloud, extending work-from-home privileges, and deploying more IoT devices have expanded attack surfaces, making it easier than ever for threats to slip through. At the same time, the number of cyber threats is growing fast. According to Security Magazine, a cyberattack now happens at least every 39 seconds.

Integrating Snyk Code SAST results in your ServiceNow workflows

Application security teams often lack the crucial information and visibility needed to find, prioritize, and remediate risks in their most business-critical applications. To solve this application security challenge, ServiceNow and Snyk have partnered to provide a singular view of the risk within these applications — exposing the severity and criticality of vulnerabilities while providing actionable workflows to boost your overall security posture.

From the Desk Of the VP of Product - Delivering on the Promises of SIEM

I’m thrilled to share some incredibly exciting news – Graylog’s v6.0 is officially here! It’s been quite the journey getting to this point, filled with late nights, endless cups of coffee, and an unwavering commitment from our amazing team. As we unveil this latest version, I can’t help but reflect on how far SIEM technology has come over the past two decades. Gone are the days when Intellitactics and NetForensics reigned supreme.

Data breach vigilantes: CIAM and IGA for customer data protection

In today's digital battleground, it seems like a week doesn’t go by where we don’t hear about some kind of data breach involving identity security. It's easy to become desensitized to the constant stream of identity security compromises. Yet, beneath the surface, a silent war is waged against the very essence of our online identities. Each breach is a battle fought on the front lines of cybersecurity.