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Evade the SecOps Black Hole: A Five-Tier Approach to a Hyperautomated SOC

There’s a term to describe what happens to something that gets sucked into a black hole: “spaghettification.” The gravitational pull of a black hole is so forceful, that it is believed to stretch and compress objects into long thin shapes resembling spaghetti. SOC analysts spend their days trying to avoid being sucked into the black hole of overwhelming security events and alerts. They’re fighting to not be spaghettified.

Automating Extension Risk Assessment and Permissions

Browser extensions are a classic shadow IT concern. Assessing the reputation and security of a browser extension is crucial before installing it on a company computer, as extensions often have wide-ranging permissions that could be abused for data theft or other malicious activities. In an open environment style company, extensions generate significant shadow IT risk that needs to be managed and addressed.

Escape Python's Stranglehold With AWS CLI

One thing we’ve consistently heard from our customers is that using legacy SOAR solutions to build AWS automations and workflows is complex and painfully slow. Why? Because legacy SOAR solutions typically use Python to do anything, and to make Python work for you, you have to be an expert in it. Python is often complex and requires writing scripts to execute most commands.

The Journey to True Hyperautomation

The benefits of hyperautomation are well documented. But it can be challenging to determine where to get started. Maybe you’ve been burned by outdated and antiquated solutions, like legacy SOAR, that were so complex, costly, and time consuming that a path forward seemed impossible. At Torq, the journey to true hyperautomation is a three-phased approach that will transform your security posture and result in more than 90% of SOC processes automated.

SOC Efficiency is the New Imperative

The cybersecurity landscape is currently undergoing significant changes. Many organizations have followed the guidance of analysts by investing in top-of-the-line products and solutions. However, they are now facing unexpected challenges. These challenges include steep financial burdens, a lack of the expected return on investment, and the persistent ability of hackers to breach their security defenses.

SOC Models: In-House, Out-Sourced, or Hybrid SOC?

There’s no single perfect, one-size-fits-all SOC model. Leaders are still unsure whether to bring the SOC in-house, get it outsourced, or do a mix of these two approaches (the so-called hybrid SOC). How do you choose? Investing now in the right model (with adaptability and portability as key considerations) might not be glamorous, but it will set you up for success in the future.

Unlock the Power of Your SIEM with Co-Managed SOC

Security information and event management (SIEM) systems play a pivotal role in cybersecurity: they offer a unified solution for gathering and assessing alerts from a plethora of security tools, network structures, and software applications. Yet, the mere presence of a SIEM isn't a magic bullet. For optimal functionality, SIEM systems must be appropriately set up, governed, and supervised round-the-clock.

CMMC Certification: What It Is, What the Requirements Are, and What's Changed With 2.0

America’s cybersecurity experts are bracing for a fresh wave of attack s as the 2024 Presidential election approaches. With nation-states and threat actors launching cyber attacks with increasing regularity and success, and with critical infrastructure and nothing less than the sanctity of our democracy at stake, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) continues to tighten the security4 controls not just within its own agency but with all third-party contractors with whom it does business.

How Hyperautomation Unblocks the Events Processing Bottleneck

Legacy SOAR offers limited events processing. That’s just the way it was built. SOAR is a standard monolithic architecture in which the entire application is deployed as a single entity, which typically runs on a single server or cluster of services. This dramatically restricts SOAR’s processing capacity, and it’s time-consuming and costly to try and extend SOAR beyond these restrictive configurations – it typically would require an entire rebuild and redeploy to upscale.