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Zenity Leads the Charge by Becoming the First to Bring Application Security to Enterprise AI Copilots

Microsoft Ignite 2023 was an eventful one, with many announcements across Microsoft’s AI Copilot capabilities. The biggest announcement, in our opinion, is that of Microsoft Copilot Studio, a low-code tool that allows professional and citizen developers to build standalone AI Copilots, as well as customize Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365.

Unpacking the Zimbra Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability (CVE-2023-37580)

On November 16, 2023, a significant security concern was published by Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG). They revealed an alarming vulnerability in Zimbra Collaboration, a widely-used email hosting tool for organizations. This vulnerability, designated with an identifier, CVE-2023-37580, is a glaring example of a reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) issue. It allows malicious scripts to be injected into unsuspecting users' browsers through a deceptively simple method: clicking on a harmful link.

CrowdStrike's View on the New U.S. Policy for Artificial Intelligence

The major news in technology policy circles is this month’s release of the long-anticipated Executive Order (E.O.) on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence. While E.O.s govern policy areas within the direct control of the U.S. government’s Executive Branch, they are important broadly because they inform industry best practices and can even potentially inform subsequent laws and regulations in the U.S. and abroad.

Audited vs. automated: What your automated open source tool isn't seeing

Black Duck® introduced the concept of managing open source, and the licensing and security risks that come with it, back in 2002. The process and the products have matured over the last two decades. Open source management has now become nearly as commonplace as source code control, whether development shops are using tools such as Black Duck or simply maintaining a spreadsheet of what is in their code.

Cloud Native Security Fortified: Panoptica at AWS re:Invent 2023

AWS Re:Invent in Las Vegas is just around the corner, Nov. 27th – Dec. 1st, 2023. Stop by to meet us at booth 1276 (Outshift by Cisco)! For over a decade, the worldwide cloud community has gathered at re:Invent, fostering connections, drawing inspiration, and envisioning groundbreaking innovations. And we’re excited to be there as well!

2023 API Security Trends for Energy and Utilities

As environmental consciousness increases across the globe, the pressure on energy and utilities companies continue to intensify. The global community now understands that how we create and access energy affects geopolitical dynamics, food sourcing, climate change and other concerns that will literally dictate the course of human history. To meet these challenges, the energy and utilities sector is now embracing digital transformation.

Cloud Integrations: JFrog Achieves AWS PrivateLink Service Ready Validation

At JFrog, we talk about being universal and too integrated to fail. In addition to more than 30 technologies and package types supported natively, this also means supporting our customers in their hybrid and cloud infrastructure. One such key integration capability for customers leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS) is AWS PrivateLink.

One Identity, AWS Directory Service Strengthen Partnership and Announce Active Roles Integration

One Identity announces significant expansion of their strategic partnership with the general availability of a seamless integration between One Identity Active Roles and AWS Directory Service. This collaboration strengthens security and enhances efficiency, and reinforces the principle of least privilege, offering customers best-in-class control over their Azure Active Directory and AWS Directory Service environments.