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What is Cybersecurity Risk Management?

In the constantly evolving world of digital technology, cybersecurity risk management is a critical pillar in any organization. By effectively managing cybersecurity risk, you reduce incidents and the costs resulting from data breaches. However, cybersecurity risk management involves many different elements. It’s helpful to have an understanding of these aspects in order to leverage cybersecurity risk management to its fullest potential.

Winning the battle against vulnerabilities with an EASM tool

A webinar focusing on managing external attack surfaces in the context of rapidly changing and growing company infrastructures. The session, hosted by Johanna Ydergård, VP of Product at Detectify, includes a presentation and a Q&A panel. The discussion emphasizes the need to understand what companies expose to the internet and the importance of securing these exposures.

The Complete Vulnerability Assessment Checklist

Vulnerability assessments—as part of your company’s vulnerability management strategy—are an essential step. Through a vulnerability assessment, your organization can find critical vulnerabilities and keep your assets safe. But it is not always clear where to start with such assessments. Accordingly, this blogpost provides a comprehensive checklist for performing vulnerability assessments; in addition, it addresses both organizations and security testers.

Navigating the Shift: From Vulnerability Management to Continuous Threat Exposure Management

In the rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape, organizations face an ever-increasing barrage of threats. Traditional vulnerability management, while foundational, often falls short in proactively and continuously identifying and mitigating threats. This necessitates a paradigm shift towards Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM), a more dynamic approach that aligns with the complexities of today’s digital environments.

Identifying Blind Spots Through External Attack Surface Management

Did you know that 69% of organizations have experienced some type of cyber attack in which the attack itself started through the exploit of an unknown, unmanaged, or poorly managed internet-facing asset? Understanding the scope of your organization’s external attack surface is essential. You need to continuously manage your digital footprint to know where risks exist and how to prioritize vulnerable areas. Gain visibility into what an attacker sees and take informed action to reduce exposure and empower your organization’s growth and success.

Unlock the Power of Attack Surface Management with Insights from a KuppingerCole Analyst

Join Vanessa Jankowski, SVP of Third Party Risk Management, and Greg Keshian, SVP of Security Performance Management, as they explore key findings from the 2023 KuppingerCole Leadership Compass Report for Attack Surface Management with John Tolbert, Director of Cybersecurity at KuppingerCole Analysts. In today's interconnected digital landscape, managing your exposure strategy for your infrastructure and your supply chain is paramount. They discuss strategies to fortify cybersecurity defenses and minimize risks.

The Security Performance Management Evolution: Interview with Bitsight's Greg Kesen & Dark Reading

In this Dark Reading News Desk segment, Bitsight's Gregory Keshian discusses external attack surface management and security performance management. Greg reviews how the emerging discipline of security performance management (SPM) can better secure a company's attack surface. He offers guidance for how to mitigate problems and enumerates the major catalysts affecting attack surfaces, and how governance frameworks can be incorporated to ensure organizational compliance with state and federal laws.

Critical Features Your Attack Surface Management Tool Must Have

Attack surface management (ASM) is becoming a vital tool for any organization that utilizes digital assets or is undergoing digital transformation. Whether it’s web applications, IoT devices, or endpoint entry points, every digital asset escalates an attack surface in complexity and size.

Outpost24 Expands Leading External Attack Surface Management Solution with Credential Threat Intelligence

Outpost24 announces the integration of credential threat intelligence into its external attack surface management solution. Powered by the Outpost24 Threat Intelligence solution, this new data integration will allow Outpost24 EASM customers to identify threats earlier in the attack chain by flagging stolen credentials in use in their attack surface as soon as they are discovered.

How to Reduce Your Attack Surface

An attack surface is the total number of channels, pathways, or areas that threat actors can utilize to gain unauthorized access to networks. The result is that they can obtain private information or carry out a cyber-attack. An attack surface comprises the organizational assets a threat actor can exploit to gain unauthorized access. Attack surfaces include systems that are directly involved in mission-critical operations, as well as those that provide peripheral services or access to important data.