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"All for One and One for All": The EU Cyber Solidarity Act Strengthens Digital Defenses

Alexandre Dumas's timeless novel "The Three Musketeers" immortalized the ideal of unyielding solidarity, the enduring motto "All for one and one for all." In the face of ever-evolving threats in the digital realm, the European Union echoes this spirit with its landmark Cyber Solidarity Act.

UK IT Leaders Are Prioritizing Cybersecurity: But Is This a Good Thing?

Tech leaders taking cybersecurity seriously is something of a double-edged sword. While it’s undoubtedly good that organizations are waking up to the genuine threat cyberattacks pose, it’s depressing that they must siphon off so many resources to protect themselves rather than using them for growth and innovation.

University Cybersecurity Clinics Can Now Use the New CISA Resource Guide

Budgetary and resource constraints play a huge role in cyberattacks on smaller organizations. Amidst a strained global economy, many under-resourced organizations like non-profits, local governments, and hospitals struggle to keep their heads above water - they simply don't have the funds to invest in cybersecurity.

Enhancing Endpoint Security with Advanced Host-Based Intrusion Detection Capabilities

In 2023, companies lost about $4.45 million on average because of data breaches. As cyber threats advance, securing endpoints is more important than ever. An advanced Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) provides a sturdy remedy to improve endpoint security. By monitoring and examining system responses and device status, HIDS identifies and tackles nefarious behaviors that are often overlooked by conventional defenses.

NSA Debuts Top 10 Cloud Security Mitigation Strategies

As businesses transition to hybrid and multi-cloud setups, vulnerabilities arising from misconfigurations and security gaps are escalating, attracting attention from bad actors. In response, the US National Security Agency (NSA) issued a set of ten recommended mitigation strategies, published earlier this year (with support from the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency on six of the strategies).

Exploring Cybersecurity Risks in Telemedicine: A New Healthcare Paradigm

The experience of seeing a doctor has transformed dramatically, thanks in part to the emergence of telemedicine. This digital evolution promises convenience and accessibility but brings with it a host of cybersecurity risks that were unimaginable up until a few years ago. The unique cybersecurity challenges facing telemedicine today underscore the importance of adopting stringent security measures to protect the sanctity of this vital service.

Supply Chain Cybersecurity - the importance of everyone

I’m always surprised – and a little disappointed – at how far we have to go before supply chain cybersecurity gets the respect and attention it deserves. I sat down this week with a new client who wanted some help addressing several internal issues surrounding their IT systems. When I asked them about their relationship with the supplier – essentially, how was their supply chain cybersecurity? - their response was not only worrying but, unfortunately, quite typical.

37 Arrested as Police Smash LabHost International Fraud Network

Police have successfully infiltrated and disrupted the fraud platform "LabHost", used by more than 2,000 criminals to defraud victims worldwide. A major international operation, led by the UK's Metropolitan Police, has seized control of LabHost, which has been helping cybercriminals create phishing websites since 2021 to steal sensitive information like passwords, email addresses, and bank details.

Navigating AI and Cybersecurity: Insights from the World Economic Forum (WEF)

Cybersecurity has always been a complex field. Its adversarial nature means the margins between failure and success are much finer than in other sectors. As technology evolves, those margins get even finer, with attackers and defenders scrambling to exploit them and gain a competitive edge. This is especially true for AI.