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Data Brokering: A Thousand Things About Yourself

A recent report from Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy has shed light on a concerning issue - data brokers are selling vast amounts of highly sensitive information about American military service members. This includes private data about active-duty personnel, veterans, and their families, encompassing sensitive health and financial details. Shockingly, these brokers even offer bulk data for individuals within geofenced military facilities like Fort Bragg and Quantico.

Rhysida ransomware cracked! Free decryption tool released

Good news for organisations who have fallen victim to the notorious Rhysida ransomware. A group of South Korean security researchers have uncovered a vulnerability in the infamous ransomware. This vulnerability provides a way for encrypted files to be unscrambled. Researchers from Kookmin University describe how they exploited an implementation flaw in Rhysida’s code to regenerate its encryption key in a technical paper about their findings.

5 Key Findings from the Business Email Compromise (BEC) Trends Report

Today’s BEC attacks are more nuanced, more accessible, less technically demanding, and consequently, more dangerous than ever before. In our report, 2023 BEC Trends, Targets, and Changes in Techniques, we take a hard look at the anatomy of Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks today and the lures that are drawing users to the bait in record numbers.

Leveraging AI LLMs to Counter Social Engineering: A Psychological Hack-Back Strategy

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, businesses and individuals find themselves in a relentless battle against the surge of cybercrime, which continues to escalate in complexity and frequency. Despite the significant investments in cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions, the financial toll of cybercrime persists, with costs escalating annually.

Surge in deepfake "Face Swap" attacks puts remote identity verification at risk

New research shows a 704% increase in deepfake "face swap" attacks from the first to the second half of 2023. A report from biometric firm iProov warns that "face-swapping" fraudsters are increasingly using off-the-shelf tools to create manipulated images and videos.

The Vital Role of Defensive AI: Safeguarding the Future

In recent times, the remarkable advancement of AI has revolutionized our technological landscape. Its profound benefits have not only enhanced the efficiency of our daily operations but also induced transformative shifts across industries. The impact of AI has made our lives more convenient, creating new opportunities in the digital world. Looking ahead, AI's influence promises a future full of innovation and potential.

WhatsApp Scams in 2024: How to Spot a Fake

Last year, text scammers prowling around on messaging platforms like WhatsApp sent a staggering 19 million messages in December alone. When ploys like these can rake up over $10 million in a matter of months, it’s easy to see why. Which WhatsApp messages are real this year, and which are not? With social engineering attacks, it's increasingly harder to tell. Here’s a look at the most probable WhatsApp scams in 2024 and what you can do to avoid them.

Security Risks of Kubernetes Helm Charts and What to do About Them

Kubernetes has emerged as the leading platform for orchestrating containerized applications. However, developers and administrators rely on an ecosystem of tools and platforms that have emerged around Kubernetes. One of these tools is Helm, a package manager that simplifies Kubernetes deployments. However, with the convenience and efficiency Helm offers, it also introduces significant security risks.

The Dangers of Default: Cybersecurity in the Age of Intent-Based Configuration

Technology has recently been evolving at the speed of light. We have seen the onset of increased cyber threats across all industries. Gone are the times when threat actors had a specific goal and target. We now live in an age where robots collect, collate, and save information for a more opportune and profitable day. It is ever more important to understand the security measures individuals and organisations implement to safeguard themselves against such threats.

Managing Financial Crime Risks in Digital Payments

The emergence of innovative Financial Technology (FinTech) has spearheaded rapid growth in the digital payments sector. In recent years, global payment revenues exceeded valuations of $2.2 trillion, with a steady Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) expected in the next five years. There is no denying the convenience benefits that the digital transformation of payments has brought consumers and businesses.