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Telefónica Improves Movistar+ Customer Satisfaction while Reducing Operational Costs with Devo

Cambridge, MA, September 12, 2018 – Devo Technology, today announced that Telefónica has implemented the Devo Data Operations Platform to improve the quality of customer experience for Telefónica’s Movistar+ television service offering.

What's Data Got to Do with It? A Lot, Says Survey

Data drives us at Devo—and although most organizations would benefit from a more data-driven approach, recent research shows organizations are grappling with the challenges of accessing and using operational data for business benefit. Data volumes are continuing to grow, fueled by machine data from a multitude of sources. But there is often a significant gap between the volume of data collected and the operational benefits that can be gained from that data.

Autonomous cars: Data will drive the future

You might have not noticed it, but we are on the verge of a disruptive change in the way we humans transport ourselves. In the next five to ten years the way we think about – and take – our daily commute, our holiday vacation, trips to the market – anything that involves transport over a distance too great to walk – will dramatically change.

36 Computing Milestones Every Tech Person Should Know

I was recently asked what I thought were the most significant points in the history of computing. It made me realize most people coming into high tech don’t have a basic understanding of the history of computing, which is important to understand future trends, how products work, and the relationships among computing elements in the technology stack.