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Threat Intelligence

Threat Intelligence, Integration and Automation in a Modern SOC

As organizations continue to evolve their security operations maturity and the SOC increasingly focuses on detection and response, three capabilities are foundational for success – threat intelligence, integration and automation. In a recent webinar, “Evolution of CTI – Use Case in a Modern SOC,” ThreatQuotient’s Yann Le Borgne, together with Ben van Ditmars of Atos and Martin Ohl from McAfee tackle this topic.

SANS 2020 Cyber Threat Intelligence Survey Report:

Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) is analyzed information about the capabilities, opportunities and intent of adversaries that meets a specific requirement determined by a stakeholder. Organizations with CTI programs focus on understanding the threats they face and providing specific information to help defend against those threats. Key survey takeaways: Copyright © 2019, ThreatQuotient, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Why Your Brand Protection Relies on Threat Intelligence?

Your brand is the image your customers have of your business; this is precisely what makes your brand into such a valuable asset. It’s no surprise that brand presence is increasingly shifting into the digital realm. And while digital transformation brings with it a whole new world of possibilities, the digitization of the brand also introduces new risks.

How Threat Intelligence Could Have Helped Prevent 2020's Cybersecurity Incidents

If anyone has benefitted from the pandemic, it has been cyber attackers. As businesses expanded their investment in cloud resources and other IT resources in response to the pandemic, cyberattacks also dramatically increased. Businesses reported 445 million cyberattack incidents in 2020, double the rate for 2019. It didn’t have to be this way. With stronger threat intelligence solutions in place, many of the security incidents of 2020 could likely have been averted.

Pandemic sees organisations of all sizes and industries invest in CTI

After a year full of unknowns and new normals, knowledge is power. The spike in cyber breaches in the past year, compounded by COVID-related attacks, has only increased the importance of cyber threat intelligence (CTI). The 2021 SANS Cyber Threat Intelligence survey, sponsored by ThreatQuotient, explores the state of play in the global use of CTI and outlines why the difficulties of the past year have contributed to the continued growth and maturity of CTI.

Cybersecurity and Geopolitical Vodcast (in partnership with Security Magazine) - February 2021

Cyjax has partnered with Security Magazine to bring you a monthly Cybersecurity and Geopolitical vodcast hosted by Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of Cyjax, Ian Thornton-Trump, and Tristan de Souza (Editor and Head of Communications), in which they ruminate on the enmeshing of cybersecurity and geopolitics and the new challenges and intriguing flashpoints these bring to enterprise security and risk professionals.

Cybersecurity and Geopolitical Vodcast (in partnership with Security Magazine) - March 2021

Cyjax has partnered with Security Magazine to bring you a monthly Cybersecurity and Geopolitical vodcast hosted by Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of Cyjax, Ian Thornton-Trump, and Tristan de Souza (Editor and Head of Communications), in which they ruminate on the enmeshing of cybersecurity and geopolitics and the new challenges and intriguing flashpoints these bring to enterprise security and risk professionals.

Hangin' with Haig: Conversations Beyond the Keyboard with Guest Simon Jones of Helping Rhinos

Behind marketing buzzwords, product pitches, and business cycles, the complex cybersecurity market often forgets about the force that makes our world turn: the people that are embedded within it. That’s why we’ve created a livestream series that isn’t a pitch or demo, but a highlight of a star player– whether it be a non-profit partner or SOC leader, who has a tale to tell.