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Threat Intelligence

Simplify Your Journey to SOC Modernization

The discipline of threat intelligence began to be incorporated in cyber defense processes within private sector companies nearly a decade ago. Over the past few years, more and more organizations began to establish their own threat intelligence operations, building Security Operations Centers (SOCs), incident response (IR) capabilities and threat intelligence teams.

Threat intelligence outlook 2022: what we can learn from the past year

In this blog post, we discuss the key security issues of the last year and explore what this could mean for 2022. With the continuous exploitation of vulnerabilities which took place in 2021 likely to continue in 2022 and beyond, organisations can benefit from conducting tabletop exercises using some of the scenarios presented below.

Power the SOC of the Future with the DataLinq Engine - Part 3

In my first blog in this three-part series, we discussed the importance of data to the modern SOC, and the unique approach of ThreatQ DataLinq Engine to connect the dots across all data sources, tools and teams to accelerate detection, investigation and response.

Power the SOC of the Future with the DataLinq Engine - Part 2

In my first blog in this series, we discussed the importance of data to the modern SOC, and the unique approach of ThreatQ DataLinq Engine to connect the dots across all data sources, tools and teams to accelerate detection, investigation and response. We developed the DataLinq Engine with the specific goal of optimizing the process of making sense out of data in order to reduce the unnecessary volume and resulting burden.

The University of New Orleans: Protecting The Future

Universities are becoming a primary target for ransomware. In 2020 alone, 26 major universities were hit locking valuable research and requiring an average payout of over $450,000. The loss of this type of research and data is colossal. How is the University of New Orleans protecting the future of tomorrow and mitigating threats?

Power the SOC of the Future with the DataLinq Engine - Part 1

Evidence continues to mount that it isn’t a matter of if, but when and how an organization will be attacked. So, we are seeing Security Operations Centers (SOCs) narrow the focus of their mission to become detection and response organizations. As they look to address additional use cases, including threat detection and monitoring, investigation, incident response and hunting, data becomes incredibly more important.

A Year of Threat Intel: Looking Back at SpiderLabs Research in 2021

2021 will go down in the record book as another critical year in the cybersecurity sector, with high-profile ransomware campaigns and supply chain attacks making national headlines. The elite Trustwave SpiderLabs team was in the trenches for our clients around the world -- providing key insights, threat intelligence, and breakthrough research on a wide array of vulnerabilities and malware. Take a journey through some of the most-read research from Trustwave SpiderLabs in 2021.

Hangin' with Haig: Conversations Beyond the Keyboard with Guest cyber threat hunter, Jessica O'Bryan

ThreatQuotient's Director of Alliances, Haig Colter, assumes the role of host in our series Hangin’ with Haig: Conversations Beyond the Keyboard. In our upcoming episode, we welcome Jessica O’Bryan, Cyber Threat Intelligence & Threat Hunt Development Lead for the Cyber Security Operations Center (CSOC) at Viasat. Haig will dive into Jessica’s journey in the cybersecurity industry and her love for rock climbing and surfing. In order to follow her passion for the outdoors and sports, Jessica has traveled throughout the west coast in a camper. Join us and listen in on Jessica's incredible adventures.

A Guide to ThreatQuotient's Top Blogs for 2021

We know that keeping up with cybersecurity news can be a challenge. The threat landscape continuously evolves, and defenders must stay apprised of the latest innovations and best practices to better protect their organizations. So, throughout the year, ThreatQuotient publishes a steady stream of blogs with insights to help you optimize your security operations and accelerate detection and response.

Run out of Netflix options? Check out our Most Popular Webinars for 2021

We’re fortunate to have a depth and breadth of cybersecurity expertise here at ThreatQuotient, and through our partner network. And we take great pride in sharing that expertise with you in the form of high-quality, informative webinars throughout the year. In 2021, we covered a lot of important topics and wanted to make sure you didn’t miss our top five webinars for the year. Scan the overviews below and click on the links to watch those that capture your attention.