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Email Security

Email Deliverability: Finding and Fixing Issues with GlockApps

Are your email campaigns not producing the expected results? Do you have disappointingly low open rates, or worse, are your emails getting lost in the spam folder? If so, you're not alone because almost every marketer faces email deliverability issues. But there is good news, and it is that they're not impossible to overcome. In this article, we'll cover the ins and outs of finding and fixing email deliverability issues so that your messages are received by your audience and read on time.

Email-Based Cyber Attacks Increase 222% as Phishing Dominates as the Top Vector

Analysis of the second half of 2023 shows attackers are getting more aggressive with email-based phishing attacks in both frequency and execution. Until there’s a catch-all way to stop malicious emails from being an effective means of initial attack, phishing will continue to grow as the primary initial attack vector for cybercriminals.

Cybercriminals Sent 1.76 Billion Social Media Phishing Emails in 2023

As social media phishing reaches new heights, new data reviewing 2023 shows a massive effort by cybercriminals to leverage impersonation of social media brands. Cybercriminals are no longer just targeting your corporate network. Due to the rise of the cybercrime economy, there are a growing number of cybercriminal gangs strictly going after initial access (that can be sold to other cybercriminals).

Phishing: The Grade A Threat to the Education Sector

Phishing is the most common method for an attacker to gain an initial foothold in an educational organization, according to the just released Trustwave SpiderLabs report 2024 Education Threat Landscape: Trustwave Threat Intelligence Briefing and Mitigation Strategies. Why phishing? Simplicity is the primary reason.

Credential Theft Is Mostly Due To Phishing

According to IBM X-Force’s latest Threat Intelligence Index, 30% of all cyber incidents in 2023 involved abuse of valid credentials. X-Force’s report stated that abuse of valid credentials exceeded phishing as a top threat for the first time. I love IBM, but they are mixing up root causes and outcomes of root causes. What I mean is that you have to ask yourself how the credentials were stolen in the first place. Were they stolen from the user or a website? Were they guessed at?

When Threat Actors Don't Have a Viable Email Platform to Phish From, They Just Steal Yours

New analysis of a phishing campaign shows how cybercriminals use brand impersonation of the platforms they need to compromise accounts and takeover legitimate services. Every day there seems to be a new term for yet another creative attack technique. The latest is phishception (a play on words from the movie Inception) coined by security analysts at cybersecurity company Netcraft.

How to Spot Potential Spam Attempts and How You Can Handle Them

More often, spam emails are similar to an unwelcome houseguest who wouldn’t go away. Opening your inbox to discover it filled with unwanted messages is a common and frustrating experience for many. Some are merely annoying advertisements vying for attention, while others take a more sinister approach, aiming to extort individuals from scams or infect gadgets with viruses. Therefore, being alert and discerning while navigating the internet is essential for avoiding threats.

Swiss Government Identified 10,000 Phishing Websites Impersonating 260 Brands

Attacks targeting Swiss residents increased 10% last year, according to newly-released data that shows a growth in not just phishing attacks, but brand impersonation at purely a national level. The Swiss Federation’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) hosts a phishing site reporting tool where individuals and businesses can report suspicious websites and emails. They analyze and track reports, consolidating their findings annually into their Anti-Phishing Report.