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Email Security

FBI: Losses Due to Cybercrime Jump to $12.5 Billion as Phishing Continues to Dominate

The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) newly-released Internet Crimes Report provides an unbiased big picture of the cyber crimes that were the most used and most successful. A few weeks ago we covered the alarming trends on ransomware, and FBI’s IC3 division took in over 880,000 complaints last year from individuals and businesses about every cyber crime being committed. Unfortunately, the details on overall cyber crime show things are not improving.

Unveiling the AI Threat: Trustwave SpiderLabs Exposes the Rise of AI in BEC and Phishing Attacks - 2024 Technology Threat Landscape Report

Criminals have always been among the first to adopt the latest technology to benefit themselves financially. Famed bank robbers Bonnie and Clyde used high-powered V-8 engine-equipped Ford cars to outrun local police. Other gangs used the telephone to help coordinate their activities, and some realized they could gain an edge by outgunning security and police by toting Thomson submachine guns.

Trustwave SpiderLabs: Artificial Intelligence Playing a Prime Role in BEC and Phishing Attacks

Criminals have historically been quick to embrace cutting-edge technology for their financial gain. For instance, the notorious bank robbers Bonnie and Clyde utilized high-powered V-8 engine-equipped Ford cars to outpace local law enforcement. Other criminal groups leveraged telephones to coordinate their activities, while some recognized the advantage of wielding Thomson submachine guns to outgun security personnel and police.

State-Sponsored Russian Phishing Campaigns Target a Variety of Industries

Researchers at IBM X-Force are monitoring several ongoing phishing campaigns by the Russian state-sponsored threat actor ITG05 (also known as “APT28” or “Fancy Bear”). APT28 has been tied to Russia’s military intelligence agency, the GRU.

Phishing Tops 2023's Most Common Cyber Attack Initial Access Method

New analysis shows that the combination of phishing, email, remote access, and compromised accounts are the focus for most threat actors. Data across the industry corroborates new findings in cyber risk advisory and response firm Kroll’s just-released Q4 2023 Cyber Threat Landscape Report. But what’s interesting in this report is how the data tells a story of where organizations are falling short in their preventative efforts.

The Inevitable Threat: AI-Generated Email Attacks Delivered to Mailboxes

Generative AI exploded in popularity not too long ago but its influence on text and media creation is already undeniable. AI content is becoming ubiquitous on the internet, and this technology is slowly seeping into real life, impacting sectors such as healthcare, finance, agriculture, and education. In a previous blog post, we discussed the rise of malicious AI chatbots and how they can be leveraged in cyberattacks. Now, we are seeing these potentially AI-written spam being distributed via email.

The C-suite conundrum: Are senior executives the Achilles' heel of cybersecurity?

In today's digital landscape, an organization’s C-suite and senior executives hold the most valuable corporate data and sign-off authorities, meaning they represent the highest potential risk over email. Whether it’s inbound spear phishing attacks, or outbound mistakes resulting in a damaging data breach, the C-suite are vulnerable.

Nightfall AI launches data encryption and sensitive data protection for emails

Did you know that 41% of breaches involve email? For threat actors, cloud email systems like Gmail and Microsoft Exchange are treasure troves for valuable internal information like PII, PCI, PHI, secrets, and credentials. In order to limit the blast radius of privilege escalation attacks, and to remain in compliance with standards like HIPAA, it’s essential for enterprises to protect thousands of emails per day.