Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


How to execute an Azure Cloud purple team exercise

For folks who are responsible for threat detection of any kind for their organizations, the cloud can often be a difficult area to approach. At the time of writing, Amazon Web Services contains over two hundred services, while the Azure cloud offers six hundred. Each of these services can generate unique telemetry and each surface can present defenders with a unique attack path to handle. Adding to this complexity is the diversity of cloud workload configurations, as well as varying architecture models.

BMO Bank Loses Customer Data in Recent Data Breach Attack

BMO Bank is the 8th largest bank in the United States, employing over 12,000 individuals. The bank manages more than $3 Billion in annual reserves and works with a huge number of customers as it has over 1,000 physical locations across the country. BMO Bank is based in Chicago, Illinois, but has locations throughout the country. If you bank with BMO, your data may be at risk, because the organization was recently hacked and lost a significant amount of customer data.

Cyber Insurance Claims Increased by 12% in First Half of 2023, Attacks More Frequent and Severe Than Ever

The latest cyber claims report from Coalition, a digital risk insurance provider, finds a 12% increase in cyber insurance claims in the first half of 2023 over the second half of 2022, due to surging attack frequency and severity. No industry or company size is immune as the increase was seen across all organizations, however companies with $100 million in revenue saw the largest increase in number of claims (+20%), as well as staggering losses resulting from attacks (+72%).

API Security Trends 2023 - Have organizations improved their security posture?

APIs, also known as application programming interfaces, serve as the backbone of modern software applications, enabling seamless communication and data exchange between different systems and platforms. They provide developers with an interface to interact with external services, allowing them to integrate various functionalities into their own applications.

What Does Secure by Design Actually Mean?

In this era shaped by digital innovation, the concept of Secure by Design is a critical safeguard against cyber threats. Read on to delve into the essence of Secure by Design and its profound relevance in today's technology landscape. As cyberattacks grow more sophisticated, comprehending the proactive principles behind secure design is paramount to ensuring a resilient and protected digital future.

Introducing expanded Role-Based Access Control

Today we’re thrilled to announce that Vanta’s Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) functionality has gotten even stronger with new capabilities, including: ‍ ‍ These expanded RBAC capabilities are now generally available and demonstrate Vanta’s continued commitment to supporting the needs of larger, more advanced organizations through additional customization and flexibility across our platform. ‍

SIEM vs. SOAR in 2024: What's The Difference?

The threat landscape today is complex and constantly changing. Organizations require robust cybersecurity solutions to protect their networks and systems. SIEM and SOAR are two technologies that are pivotal in strengthening security operations. In this article, I’ll look at both technologies, SIEM and SOAR, to help you understand the importance of strengthening your organization’s SecOps.

Introducing Jobs-to-be-Done: a way to help our users achieve their goals

As a security practitioner, the scope and responsibilities of your role have likely changed over the last few years. This is likely an accumulation of: But what hasn’t changed? Regardless of any new scope or responsibilities, you still have a set of things you need to accomplish and get done that are the most important to you.