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What is Privilege Escalation in AWS? Recommendations to Prevent the Risk of Privilege Escalation on AWS

Privilege escalation in AWS refers to the unauthorized elevation of user privileges within the AWS environment, allowing users to access resources and perform actions beyond their intended level of permissions. This security risk would arise in case the attackers utilize the vulnerabilities or misconfigurations in AWS services, IAM policies, or access controls to take up privileges above the current level.

5 ways Vanta customers use Trust Centers to demonstrate their security

Trust and transparency are key to winning customers today. Customers and prospects of all sizes need to know how you’ll protect their data before they can do business with you — which often leads to lengthy questionnaires, long security reviews, and stretched sales cycles as they work to understand your security posture.

CrowdStrike Enhances Cloud Asset Visualization to Accelerate Risk Prioritization

The massive increase in cloud adoption has driven adversaries to focus their efforts on cloud environments — a shift that led to cloud intrusions increasing by 75% in 2023, emphasizing the need for stronger cloud security. Larger scale leads to larger risk. As organizations increase their quantity of cloud assets, their attack surface grows. Each asset brings its own set of security concerns.

Device Authority Appoints Former Google and Vodafone Product Manager To Drive Its Product Led Growth Strategy

Device Authority, an award-winning and recognized global leader in Identity and Access Management (IAM) for Enterprise IoT ecosystems has appointed Richard Seward as Vice President of Product Management to drive forward the company’s growing portfolio of innovative products under its KeyScaler platform.

Trusted Signing: The Microsoft Way to Safeguard Your Applications

With the advent of digital technology that makes its way into every sphere of our lives, software’s reliability and integrity are particularly important. Hackers never stop trying to gain unauthorized access and exploit application weaknesses to achieve their goals and gain from outact. This can mean peril respectively for individuals and organizations.

Strengthening ANZ's Critical Infrastructure Sectors Against Cyber Threats in 2024

As 2024 continues forward, Australia and New Zealand’s critical infrastructure sectors face significant cybersecurity challenges. Critical infrastructure (CI) sectors–encompassing energy, healthcare, transportation, water, and communication–are at a pivotal moment in their evolution. The rapid digitisation of these sectors brings not only unprecedented efficiency and connectivity but also a significantly expanded attack surface.

The Role of Animation and Micro Interactions in Modern Web Design

In the bustling world of the internet, where attention spans are shorter than ever, websites are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage visitors. Enter animation and micro-interactions - the dynamic duo revolutionizing modern website designs in Melbourne. But what exactly are these elements, and why are they so crucial in today's digital landscape? Let's embark on a journey to uncover the magic they bring to the table.

10 Cybercrimes Against Colleges and K-12 Schools, and How To Prevent Them

K-12 schools, colleges, and universities store massive amounts of personal information for students, parents, and employees. This means that, while they may not make the news as much as other breaches, schools, colleges, and universities are under constant attack by modern threat actors.

Hey, You. Get Off of My Cloud

The Rolling Stones wanted to protect their space; we, as security practitioners, need to protect ours. Data 'castles' in the cloud are out there, and they're constantly under siege. By drawing inspiration from a band that embodied personal freedom, we can draw some – okay, very stretched - parallels to modern cloud security. Nonetheless, they work. And we all knew this blog was coming. And if you read the blog backward you can hear the name of the latest malware family... Maybe.