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Why Your SOC Needs More Than a SIEM Tool

Cybercrime is becoming more sophisticated by the day. Meanwhile, the price for a breach due to damage and disruption, ransom payments and regulatory fines, is increasing. No wonder there’s more of a need than ever for companies to set up a dedicated SOC using SIEM to identify threats and raise the alarm. But is that enough to fight the hackers?

Ten Cool Things Logsign SIEM Does

Easy deployment, an interface to be used intuitively and easily and a rule-based alert, bucket, dashboard and reports are the factors creating the simplicity mindset behind Logsign, who believes in “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”. The user interface used for the SOC teams’ threat and anomaly analysis has been designed in order to be understood easily and simply.

Threat Detection with AlienVault® USM: 2-Minute Overview

AlienVault USM simplifies threat detection and analysis. Our unified platform includes pre-integrated tools combined with up-to-the-minute threat intelligence and delivers an easy, effective way to accelerate your threat detection and response. Additionally, our Kill Chain Taxonomy allows you to focus your attention on the most important threats, with attacks classified into five categories and contextual information to help you understand attack intent and threat severity quickly.

In-Depth Visibility, Increased Awareness and Real-Time Response:LOGSIGN SIEM Is Now Available on the Azure Marketplace

Logsign proudly announces that our customers now have the opportunity to deploy Logsign on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. As a next-gen, all-in one SIEM solution, Logsign primarily focuses on security intelligence, log management and easier compliance reporting for cloud, physical and virtual environments. In addition, Logsign unifies the view and monitoring of cloud and on-premises environments, and increases awareness via smartly designed, security-oriented dashboards.