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The latest News and Information on Security Incident and Event Management.

Secure your AWS environment faster with Sumo Logic's AWS Built-in Competency

In the fast-paced world of cloud-based attacks, staying ahead of the curve with cloud-native security solutions is paramount. Sumo Logic, a leading name in the field, has taken a significant leap forward by embracing AWS Built-in and becoming a launch partner for the AWS Built-in Competency. Let’s explore how Sumo Logic and AWS collaborated to define a new way to deliver an integrated solution that expands upon the requirements of AWS Native Service integrations across foundational cloud domains.

MDR vs MSSP vs SIEM: The Evolving Threat Detection Landscape

Effective threat detection is critical to achieving a mature cybersecurity posture. Yet with so many threat detection options on the market, from managed detection and response (MDR) to managed security service providers (MSSPs) to security information and event management (SIEM), choosing the most effective one for your organization can be challenging.

Getting Your Daily Security News Into Graylog

For as long as I can remember, I have started my day off by reading various security news sites to figure out what I need to be aware of and any new trends that are being spotted. I used to do this on my phone while commuting, and now I work from home, but I still follow this routine, and that got me thinking, why not feed Graylog with this information?

Grow Your Business with a 24/7 Security Operations Center (SOC) using Open Source Technologies.

Keeping IT Services profitable can be challenging, equipment and software costs increase, margins suffer and customers cancel. The solution resides in the economy of horizontal scale. Imagine what could happen if your existing customers contracted two times more services from your business, would that help? Sell them something every business needs: cybersecurity, launch your own Security Operations Center, and close new profitable deals. Why UTMStack and not something else? The answer is simple: UTMStack is free and Open source and very intuitive, so you can hit the ground up and running in no time.

Making the cloud the safest place to compute: Sumo Logic Cloud Infrastructure Security for AWS

The landscape of cloud computing has evolved significantly over the years, transforming how businesses operate and innovate. This transformation has brought new challenges, especially in security. The growing adoption of cloud services, microservices architecture, and the shared responsibility model of cloud vendors has ushered in a need for robust security solutions that consolidate risk and threat data across cloud environments.

Why There's No Such Thing As a Low-Cost SIEM

Staff time, log processing, and legacy issues can turn free, open-source or low-cost SIEMs into one of your organisation’s most expensive investments. You’re not alone if you’re baulking at the idea of paying upwards of tens of thousands of pounds for a new or renewed SIEM licence. Many security decision-makers feel the same way. One survey showed that almost half (40%) of existing SIEM users feel like they are overpaying for their SIEM.

Stronger Together: Protect Your Organization with the Power of the Community

Cybersecurity is a team sport, as malicious actors and advanced persistent threats are constantly evolving their tactics. In this ever-changing landscape, it is crucial for organizations to collaborate and learn from one another’s experiences. At Devo, we recognize the importance of teamwork in combating these threats. We are committed to enhancing our product capabilities and content to empower every customer to participate in this collective defense.

Maximizing security insights: A deep dive into the Amazon Security Lake and Elastic Security integration

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, having a robust and efficient security information and event management (SIEM) system is crucial. One powerful solution that has gained significant traction is the Elastic® integration with Amazon Security Lake. This integration not only facilitates the collection of security-related log and event data, but also empowers organizations to analyze and understand their security posture comprehensively.