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What is DLP (Data Loss Prevention)? - DLP Solutions from Lookout

Data loss prevention (DLP) involves a set of technologies and processes used to discover, monitor and control sensitive data. Why is it so important? Businesses use DLP to prevent data breaches and comply with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and others. DLP tools allow security staff and network administrators to set business rules that determine what’s sensitive while also providing insight into the use of content within an enterprise.

Ransomware: A Cloudy Forecast

Ransomware remains high on the risk register for most enterprises, yet this threat has morphed into more targeted and insidious forms with multiple dimensions and points of coercion. As mobile working and cloud adoption became the norm, your data is now distributed, hard to monitor, and your organization’s operations are at risk. Identity is the new perimeter and the first place a modern ransomware crew will go to work. In this session, security professionals and enterprise leaders will learn.

Ransomware Attacks: How to Mitigate Risk and Protect Your Data

Ransomware is not a new threat, but the tactics that attackers are using to access corporate infrastructures and steal resources has evolved. With the continuation of remote work and data being stored on the cloud, attackers only need to compromise one user, app or device to gain access.

Securing the Future of Data - A New Way to Think About Control

Control For decades it's been the mandate for enterprise security teams. Keep data secure. Lock it down. Restrict access. Put it behind firewalls. Don’t let it slip on to personal devices. But everything has changed. The cloud, SAAS, mobile workforces, an unstoppable wave of BYOD. Today, users and the applications they depend on are more widely distributed than ever. Networks are increasingly exposed. Cyber threats grow sophisticated by the minute.

Lookout ZTNA - Intro to onboarding an application, securing access and protecting sensitive data.

In this Lookout ZTNA demo video, you will see how to onboard an application that is within your corporate network, how to secure access to the application using identity-driven policies and how to apply data protection policies to protect sensitive data.

Ransomware Attacks: How to Mitigate Risk and Protect Your Data

Ransomware is not a new threat, but the tactics that attackers are using to access corporate infrastructures and steal resources has evolved. With the continuation of remote work and data being stored on the cloud, attackers only need to compromise one user, app or device to gain access. Learn more about how these attacks happen.

2021 Prediction: Growing awareness of privacy will drive behavior change

In 2021, we predicted that the growing awareness of privacy will drive behavior change. Individuals and organizations are becoming more conscious of how data collected by mobile apps could be used with malicious intent. Burak Agca, Senior Sales Engineer, talks about what we got right, and what surprised us.