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NYSE TV interview with Egnyte Co-Founder and CEO, Vineet Jain

Vineet is the CEO and co-founder of Egnyte. Prior to Egnyte, Vineet founded and successfully built Valdero, a supply chain software solution provider, funded by KPCB, MDV and Trinity Ventures. He has held a rich variety of senior operational positions at KPMG and Bechtel. He has 20 years of experience in building capital-efficient and nimble organizations. Vineet earned a BS in Engineering from Delhi College of Engineering and received an MBA from Santa Clara University.

How AEC Firms Improve Collaboration Across All Their Teams and Win With Egnyte

Learn how Egnyte enables seamless collaboration from anywhere and improves project Project and IT operations by providing valuable insight into data access and usage. Hear from leading AEC firms about how Egnyte is exceeding expectations for compliance and efficiency across all their projects, while enabling version control and projects coordination. See why Egnyte is the go-to solution for remote teams and discover the benefits of a partnership with Egnyte.