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Moving on From Pod Security Policy with OPA and Styra DAS

In this video, Styra Solutions Architect Ádám Sándor shares how teams can use OPA and Styra DAS to manage the deprecation of Kubernetes PodSecurityPolicy (PSP) in Kubernetes v1.25. Not only can OPA can work in tandem with the new Pod Security Admission, but dedicated PSP Policy Packs with Styra DAS can help automate many of these necessary changes.

HashiCorp +Styra: Validate Terraform Infrastructure using Styra DAS and Terraform Cloud

Security teams must constantly scan infrastructure for policy violations. HashiCorp’s Terraform Cloud, and Styra DAS, an OPA-based authorization management platform, work together to keep infrastructure compliant by mandating verification of Terraform configurations at provisioning.

Snowflake: SansShell: A Non-interactive Daemon for Host Management

James Chacon, Principal Engineer Learn how Snowflake developed SansShell, an open source tool, to help them audit actions done on a machine, and why they turned to OPA as their authorization mechanism. This session will also cover how the team worked through policy challenges as they scaled.

Styra: Authorization: The Data Gravity Problem

Tim Hinrichs, CTO, Styra, & Co-founder, OPA Learn about some of the most popular design patterns for cloud native authorization and OPA, covering the types of policies, architectures, and data dependencies for each. Also hear about how data volume, dynamicity and consistency can effectively exert gravitational pull to influence your authorization architecture.