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LogSentinel SIEM Implementation Guide

Implementation is the hardest part of getting value out of a #SIEM. It often involves a chaotic onboarding process, approvals from multiple departments, back-and-forth communication about permissions and integrations.LogSentinel SIEM provides templated implementation to streamline the process.LogSentinel SIEM can collect data from everywhere. The lists below include only the most popular vendors and products, but because of the flexibility of our collector, we can collect anything that generates logs.

LogSentinel Next-Generation SIEM

LogSentinel SIEM is a cutting-edge next-generation Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system offering simplicity, predictability, and innovation like nobody else on the market. By leveraging the latest innovations in technology like #blockchain and machine learning, it helps organizations of all sizes and industries to eliminate their blind spots and reduce the time and cost of incident detection and investigation.

Logsentinel PAM Demo: Privileged Access Management and Event Logging

LogSentinel #PAM Protects From Log Tampering There's a significant risk for a privileged Linux user to tamper with company data and try to avoid being detected by clearing logs. Such log tampering may potentially threaten one’s business continuity. That’s why we developed LogSentinel PAM, which can be implemented in just a few steps.