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Why is a disaster recovery plan important?

JUMPSEC Jargon Buster - Nikoo explains why a disaster recovery plan is important? Business Continuity Plans and Disaster Recovery plans are two key elements of the ISO27000 series of standards. Disaster recovery plans allow organisations to plan in advance what to do in the event of a serious interruption to business-as-usual, by having robust plans made in advance, it reduces the potential business impact of an interruption and helps restore operations quickly. the process and details of this plan are essentials for stopping disasters from occurring in the first place.

Undetected E01, Johan Edholm - Evolution of hacking; Web Security to companies of all sizes.

Do you remember when you first connected to the Internet? Security nerds Laura and Johan go back to the Internet in the 90's, the evolution of hacking and the transformation of IT security into an industry where hackers are now allies to companies.

Managing SharePoint Online and Exchange Online with PowerShell

Managing SharePoint Online and Exchange Online can be a painful task — you have to constantly switch between multiple administration centers and it’s hard to know where to go for a specific setting. Luckily, you can accomplish many tasks with PowerShell. Learning a few basic commands and scripts will make your life so much easier. In this webinar, Liam Cleary and Jeff Melnick will walk you through how to use PowerShell to.