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Three expert tips for cultivating secure software development practices

We often hear about the importance of DevSecOps — integrating security into DevOps processes. But as many security professionals know, it’s not nearly as easy as it sounds. Cultivating secure software development practices requires working alongside developers with varying opinions, priorities, and idiosyncrasies. And any process involving humans is complicated. So, how do today’s security teams overcome these challenges and make secure software development practices a reality?

Take the pressure off coding for your developers

IDE security plug-in tools like Code Sight can help shift security left without slowing down your development teams. In 2022, Synopsys commissioned the SANS Institute to examine how organizations achieved improvements in their security posture and operational effectiveness by aligning development, security, and operations teams around the cultural ideals, practices, and tools that make up the secure DevOps, or DevSecOps, methodology.

Tracking the transport of radioactive sources with blockchain

This week, Australian authorities recovered a tiny capsule, just 6mm x 8mm (0.24 x 0.31 inches) along a 900km section of Australia’s longest highway, the Great Northern Highway. The pea-sized capsule was a radiation gauge containing caesium-137, a radioactive material with a half-life of 30.05 years, that is used to measure the density and flow of materials in the mining, and oil and gas industries.

How to Bake Security into your CI/CD Pipeline

According to IBM Security's "The Cost of a Data Breach Report", the global cost of data breaches in 2022 increased by 2.6% compared to previous year, reaching $4.35 million. The source code of major companies like Nvidia, Microsoft, Uber, Slack, Toyota was leaked, often caused by usage of hardcoded secrets (you can see more details in the infographics below). In those cases, lateral movements were compromising software supply chain security. In their report Gartner claims about 45% of companies should expect to become targets of supply chain attacks by 2025.

Quick Start Guide: Integrate Veracode in Your DevOps Pipeline

For today’s DevSecOps teams, the demands continue to intensify. Application portfolios and codebases continue to grow, while cyberattacks remain an ever-present danger. More than ever, it’s vital to ensure security gaps are identified and addressed with maximum speed and efficiency. In order to do this, you need to establish a continuous feedback loop on security threats, so you can realize optimized, sustained results – which is exactly how Veracode helps.

DoD + DevSecOps: A path toward speed and agility

As the US Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) Software Modernization Strategy is put into place, agility, cloud adoption, and the software-factory methodology are top of mind. But according to a new study from the Hudson Institute, the DoD’s current approach to software and software updates isn’t fast enough to keep pace with modern warfare.

Why DevSecOps Teams Need Secrets Management

Proper IT secrets management is essential to protecting your organization from cyberthreats, particularly in DevOps environments, where common CI/CD pipeline tools such as Jenkins, Ansible, Github Actions, and Azure DevOps use secrets to access databases, SSH servers, HTTPs services and other highly sensitive systems.

Veracode Research Reveals Steps to Reduce Introduction and Accumulation of Security Flaws as Apps Grow and Age

Over 30 Percent of Applications Contain Flaws at First Scan; By Five Years, Nearly 70 Percent of Apps Have At Least One Flaw Scanning via API, Hands-on Security Training, and Scan Frequency Identified as Key Factors to Reduce Flaw Introduction Over Time.