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Non-repudiation: Your Virtual Shield in Cybersecurity

In the digital world, where countless users communicate, share data, and engage in diverse activities, determining the origin and actions behind these interactions can be quite challenging. This is where non-repudiation steps in. Coupling other security factors, such as delivery proof, identity verification, and a digital signature, creates non-repudiation. This guarantees that the parties involved in the transmission are unable to renounce the execution of an action.

Deciphering the Breach of the Tamil Nadu Police Facial Recognition Portal

Introduction: In the digital age, where data reigns supreme, breaches are not just breaches; they're potential threats to our security, privacy, and fundamental rights. The recent breach of the Tamil Nadu Police Facial Recognition Portal underscores the critical importance of preemptive threat analysis and ethical data handling. As Foresiet Threat Team Analysis delves into the depths of this breach, ethical considerations guide our exploration, aiming to illuminate the path forward amidst digital peril.

The Importance of Analytical Testing in Cybersecurity

Today, cyber threats evolve at a breakneck pace, and the significance of analytical testing in cybersecurity is a major bulwark against these threats, vital for organizations aiming to protect their data and systems from sophisticated cyberattacks. Analytical testing in cybersecurity involves a series of systematic assessments designed to detect and mitigate vulnerabilities in an organization's cyber infrastructure. It incorporates different types of validity, such as content, construct, and criterion. Ultimately, it can ensure a comprehensive evaluation of security systems.

Has your personal data been breached on the dark web?

The dark web can feel like a mysterious underworld, a hidden corner of the internet where there are no rules. It’s a place where stolen data gets traded, and cybercriminals plot their next attacks. Just because it’s dark, that doesn’t mean you have to be blind to the threats lurking there. That’s where ManageEngine Log360 comes in with a powerful new integration for Constella Intelligence.

AppSec spring cleaning checklist

Something about the springtime sunshine and blooming flowers inspires many of us to start cleaning. For some, it might be tackling the backyard shed that accumulated cobwebs over the winter or that overflowing junk drawer in the corner of the kitchen. As you survey your home and yard and decide where to start cleaning, it’s also a great time to look at your application security program and see if any of your existing processes need some tidying up. Here are a few great places to start.

Deciphering the SIEM Puzzle: How to Choose the Ideal Solution

Register for the Webinar Large-scale cyber breaches continue to dominate headlines, amplifying the damaging ramifications of failing to secure your organization. Even with a substantial investment in your SOC, outcomes continue to fall short of promises. Breaches lead to massive data leaks, steep financial losses, and tarnished reputations, underscoring the urgent need for effective SIEM technology.

SafeBreach Coverage for AA24-131A (Black Basta Ransomware)

On May10th, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) issued an urgent advisory about malicious threat activity involving the Black Basta ransomware variant. Detailed information about these threats and the associated IOCs and TTPs can be seen on #StopRansomware: Black Basta.

Hardening Systems through Security Benchmarks

System hardening is the process of configuring a system to a more secure state. Many technology solutions are not securely configured by default, so system administrators must harden systems while retaining their desired functionality. Thankfully, system administrators do not have to figure out system hardening on their own. Instead, they can reference security benchmarks which describe recommended secure configurations for a system.

The Race for Artificial Intelligence Governance

As AI adoptions become increasingly integral to all aspects of society worldwide, there is a heightened global race to establish artificial intelligence governance frameworks that ensure their safe, private, and ethical use. Nations and regions are actively developing policies and guidelines to manage AI’s expansive influence and mitigate associated risks. This global effort reflects a recognition of the profound impact that AI has on everything from consumer rights to national security.

5 things you need to know to build a firewall for AI

Everywhere we look, organizations are harnessing the power of large language models (LLMs) to develop cutting-edge AI applications like chatbots, virtual assistants, and more. Yet even amidst the fast pace of innovation, it’s crucial for security teams and developers to take a moment to ensure that proper safeguards are in place to protect company and customer data.