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Spring into Action: A Corporate Digital Spring Cleaning Plan

Spring cleaning is no longer just about spotless windows and gleaming floors. In the digital age, businesses need to consider the clutter accumulating in their virtual filing cabinets too. A corporate digital spring cleaning can breathe new life into your organization’s online presence and data management practices.

NIST CSF 2.0: A Deeper Dive into Middle-Earth

Sequels, bah! Usually, they are never as good as the first. Do not even speak of prequels! This is less of a sequel, and rather should be considered a continuation of the first blog. In line with the original blog, there will be a few references to Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. So, without further ado, you have my sword, and you have my bow, and my axe, or, at the very least, some of my NIST CSF 2.0 insights.

The Surveillance Invasion: IoT and Smart Devices Stealing Corporate Secrets

In an age where manufacturers have decided that just about every device needs to be “smart,” it’s becoming difficult to avoid the data collection and privacy invasion that are often baked into these devices. We have come to expect that smart phones and speakers with built-in digital assistants are always listening, and data collection practices between companies can vary significantly.

The Argument for Enterprise-Wide Ad Blocking

The concept of enterprise-wide ad blocking always provokes a powerful response. Whenever I suggest, even casually, that the next step organizations should take to improve cybersecurity posture is implementing enterprise-wide ad blocking, I can hear the collective screams of sysadmins and help desk personnel everywhere — Websites could have compatibility issues! How will we manage it? Users won’t understand! It could be a help desk nightmare! And you know what? They are absolutely right.

It Takes a Hacker to Catch a Hacker

In a recent episode, 60 Minutes brought national attention to the growing threat of ransomware attacks, considered by many to be the greatest current threat to the United States and global economies. More than just informative, the narrative was a chilling glimpse into the depths of the cyber underworld. Forget the stereotype of a hacker, surrounded by energy drinks and empty pizza boxes, tinkering alone in the basement.

NIST CSF: A "Fellowship" for Your Cybersecurity Journey to 2.0

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released version 2.0 of the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) on February 26, 2024. The original version was released in 2014, one year after Executive Order 13636 was signed on February 12, 2013. This executive order was written to improve critical infrastructure cybersecurity, streamline the sharing of threat information, and to drive action towards developing a cybersecurity framework.

Cyber Insurance Reduces Risk: Five Ways to Lower Your Rates

Yep, it’s that time of year again. The moment when that dreaded questionnaire from your Cyber Insurer lands on your desk like a ton of digital bricks. Suddenly, panic mode kicks in, and you’re transported back to those school days, facing an exam that seemed more daunting than Mount Everest. Remember how you used to play the skipping game with exam questions, hoping for a miracle to help you conjure up some brilliant answers? Yeah, it’s like déjà vu all over again.

Who You Gonna Call? For Incident Response

Globally, no organization is immune to attack. Cybersecurity threats are a reality and every organization, anywhere in the world, is a potential target, regardless of location or size. It’s not a question of if, but when an incident will affect your organization. Do you know who you will call for assistance?

The Weakest Link: Securing The Human Element From Cyberattack

As humans, we tend to trust the people around us in most situations simply by default. We usually don’t assume that the cook in a restaurant will poison our food or that the pharmacist will intentionally swap our medications, and for good reason. One of humanity’s superpowers, which allows all civilization to function, is cooperation. Being suspicious of everyone around you isn’t only exhausting, but it grinds society to a halt.