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Data Privacy

10 Important Data Privacy Questions You Should be Asking Now

As data breaches continue to rise, businesses face significant financial losses. The recent $350 million loss incurred by T-Mobile underscores the urgency of addressing data theft. Despite these challenges, many companies overlook data privacy, extending the risk of further breaches. In this article, we explore why data privacy is crucial for businesses, and address important data privacy questions you should be asking now.

Is OneDrive Safe? What You Need to Know About OneDrive's Privacy Policy

How often do you read and review the terms and conditions when signing up for a service? Or stay updated with the privacy settings of companies that monitor your data? We often hit the accept button to complete the signing-up process as quickly as possible so we can start using the product, whether it be for cloud storage, streaming, or video games. In doing so, we often risk putting our data in the company's control, leaving us unsure about how exactly they use this data or how they keep it secure.

Protecting Privacy in the Digital Age: Strategies for Businesses and Individuals

In the digital age, the vast majority of our activities are online. Keeping these activities anonymous, however, is a difficult task. To ensure your data remains private, you must step out of your usual browsing habits and take extra steps. To understand some of those steps, below are six privacy tips for individuals and companies.

Top tips: Three hacks to safeguard your privacy online

Top tips is a weekly column where we highlight what’s trending in the tech world today and list ways to explore these trends. This week, we’re looking at three hacks to secure your online privacy. In today’s world, we exist online as much as offline. There’s few mysteries left in our lives. Most information you need about a person is a few clicks away.

Navigating Data Privacy for GenAI in Customer Support

As the adoption of generative AI (GenAI) accelerates across enterprises, one of the most promising applications emerges in customer support. GenAI enables automated responses, allowing businesses to engage in natural conversations with customers and provide real-time chat support. However, this convenience comes with inherent risks, particularly concerning data privacy.

Is Discord Safe? Discord Data Breaches and User Privacy Concerns

Data breaches pose the most significant risks to our data. Despite the strict measures companies follow to encrypt and protect user data, sometimes the worst-case scenario happens, and you have been alerted that your data has leaked online. Many companies, from healthcare to social media, have been victims of data breaches. One of those major companies that made the list is Discord.

Privacy at Work: Online Guide to Navigating Restrictions & Employee Rights

Navigating the line between workplace privacy restrictions and employee rights is getting more complicated as employees shift to hybrid and remote settings. According to Code42’s 2023 Data Exposure Report, data loss caused by business insiders costs companies an average of $16 million per incident. Moreover, 81% of companies believe that hybrid work is one of the main reasons data security training is necessary.

Essential Cybersecurity Topics

The importance of security awareness It’s well worth taking the time to craft a meaningful and engaging security awareness program. By presenting the right mix of information to your users in a compelling way, you can empower them to help you improve your organization’s security posture as well as create a more robust security culture overall. The cybersecurity topics that you include in your program should be relevant to your business and industry, of course.

Australia's Cost of a Data Breach in 2024

Australia’s Data Privacy Landscape is EVOLVING QUICKLY In February 2023, the Australian government released the results of a two-year review of the 1988 Data Privacy Act. This was followed by a response in September, authored by Attorney General Mark Dreyfus, that agreed to 38 of the 116 recommendations and a further 68 ‘in principle’.