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How to Seize FSMO Roles

Shifting a Flexible Single Master Operations (FSMO) role from one domain controller (DC) to another is normally done through a role transfer operation. But if the DC that holds an FSMO role experiences a serious failure that takes it out of service, you must instead seize its FSMO roles and reassign them to a functioning DC. For example, you need to seize an FSMO role if the current role holder: Important: After you seize an FSMO role from a DC, ensure that it is never reconnected to the network.

Data Classification for Compliance with PCI DSS, NIST, HIPAA and More

Data classification is essential for achieving, maintaining and proving compliance with a wide range of regulations and standards. For example, PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOX and GDPR all have different purposes and requirements, but data classification is necessary for compliance with all of them — after all, you need to accurately identify and tag health records, cardholder information, financial documents and other regulated data in order to protect that data appropriately.

Security Policy: What It Is, Types and Key Components

When you hear the phrase “security policy,” a number of things may come to mind — cyberattacks, malware, data breaches and the like. While these are some reasons an organization might create security policies, a security policy for an organization covers protection of not only its digital assets, but its physical assets as well.

What Is NIST SP 800-171 Compliance? A Guide to Protecting Your Sensitive Data

NIST SP 800-171 details requirements that all Department of Defense (DoD) contractors have been required to follow for years. The guidelines were updated in 2020, and Revision 3 was published in May 2023. Netwrix is ready to help organizations achieve, maintain and prove NIST 800-171 compliance. Below, we summarize its key requirements and share recommendations for getting started with the regulation.

The Ultimate Guide to Password Best Practices: Guarding Your Digital Identity

In the wake of escalating cyber-attacks and data breaches, the ubiquitous advice of “don’t share your password” is no longer enough. Passwords remain the primary keys to our most important digital assets, so following password security best practices is more critical than ever. Whether you’re securing email, networks, or individual user accounts, following password best practices can help protect your sensitive information from cyber threats.

10 Methods for Identifying and Protecting Privileged AD Users

Compromising privileged accounts is the penultimate objective of most cyberattacks — once attackers gain privileged access, they can then accomplish their final goal, whether that’s to steal or encrypt information assets or disrupt business operations. Typically, cybercriminals gain a foothold in a network by compromising of a low-level account on a local machine.

International Data Privacy Laws: A Guide

The push for data privacy has exploded in recent years, with regulations such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) leading the charge. This means consumers around the globe are gaining rights regarding how their data is collected, stored, processed and sold, as well as more ways to hold companies accountable when poor data security practices lead to data breaches involving personally identifiable information (PII).

How to Perform Windows Registry Repair: Registry Repair Windows 10

The Windows registry is a database that contains important information about your computer — users, preferences, applications, attached devices and much more. The Windows operating system constantly refers to the registry; for example, to open a program, install new software or change your hardware, Windows must check the values of certain registry keys.

Windows Remote WMI Security Primer for the Faint-Hearted

Local WMI querying is straightforward to implement and troubleshoot — but remote WMI querying is another story. Indeed, setting up secure remote WMI querying for a user with no admin rights is a daunting task. This blog can help. I’ll walk you through the steps I used to enable a standard domain user to query the Microsoft SQL Server WMI namespace class on a Windows Server 2012 R2 running Microsoft SQL Server 2016.