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Save Your Data and Your Sanity

I recently read a technology forum post where a system administrator described symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder after their company was attacked by ransomware. The recent State of Data Security report from Rubrik Zero Labs even found that 96% of individuals suffered emotional or psychological impacts as a direct result of experiencing a cyberattack.

Scalable, Faster, Cheaper - Pick All for Azure Protection

Rubrik allows customers to protect their workloads like VMs, Disks, and SQL instances running on Azure. We have customers who protect a large number of Azure subscriptions through our SaaS product. We offer features like File-Level Recovery to allow customers to make faster recoveries and Storage Tiering to save on storage costs associated with the backups. To support these features, we run compute in the customer’s environment to read the data from Azure Disk snapshots.

5 Data Security Trends You Might Be Missing

Malware is becoming more sophisticated, and it would be impossible to prevent and defend from every single cyber threat out there. As the digital dependence of enterprises grows in tandem with the enterprise’s growth, we at Rubrik are seeing some consistent trends that can be mapped to their exacerbating cyber risk. In today's competitive landscape, it is even more important to secure your data to defend against cyber attacks.

Take the Uncertainty Out of Ransomware Recovery: Introducing Rubrik Cyber Recovery

As the attack surface widens and cybercriminals get more sophisticated, organizations are struggling to prepare for and respond to ransomware and other cyber incidents. According to the inaugural State of Data Security report from Rubrik Zero Labs, a staggering 92% of global IT and security leaders are concerned they are unable to maintain business continuity following an attack.

It's Time for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Teams to Redefine Trust

In workplaces of the past, IT teams could afford to trust the devices in their network because they knew them. After all, they issued and managed them. But today’s work environment makes trust a little difficult. From work from home to the vast expansion of enterprise applications, IT and security teams have a whole new set of cybersecurity challenges to mitigate. Your workers are human and are subject to human error. Phishing attempts are not always easy to spot.

The State of Data Security: The Human Impact of Cybercrime from Rubrik Zero Labs

Rubrik Zero Labs is excited to share “The State of Data Security: The Human Impact of Cybercrime”. This in-depth global study commissioned by Rubrik and conducted by Wakefield Research gives businesses around the world a deeper look into the challenges that IT and security decision-makers face, the effects of those challenges, and subsequent solutions. This study engaged over 1,600 senior IT and cybersecurity leaders with more than half at the CIO and CISO level.

Your Cybersecurity MVP: the Rubrik Ransomware Response Team

Have you ever asked yourself, “What happens if I am attacked by ransomware?” Well, the over 4,500 Rubrik customers around the world have the ultimate peace of mind knowing their data is secure with our Zero Trust Data Security platform. In addition to Rubrik’s industry-leading and comprehensive data security solution, we also have a specialized Ransomware Response Team to provide world-class support and care when our customers are attacked.

Conquer the Three Battlegrounds of Modern Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

One of the most empowering documents in an organization’s arsenal is its business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) plan. Sure, it lays out in detail everything bad that could happen to your business, but it also provides point-by-point strategies to respond to each of those threats. Or does it? A good BCDR plan is a living document that evolves alongside the threats its organization faces. The trouble is that the world is changing fast, and BCDR teams are breathlessly trying to keep up.