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What is Sentinel? Harnessing the Power of Cloud-Native SIEM for Modern Cybersecurity Challenges

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, staying ahead of threats requires not just vigilance but advanced technology. Sentinel, Microsoft’s cloud-native Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution, represents a leap forward in the way organizations detect, investigate, and respond to cyber threats.

SMB Port Numbers: A Guide to Optimizing and Securing Your Network

In the digital age, where data is the new gold, ensuring the security and efficiency of network communication is paramount for businesses of all sizes. The Server Message Block (SMB) protocol plays a crucial role in facilitating file sharing, network browsing, and printer access among devices on a network. Understanding SMB port numbers is essential for IT professionals looking to optimize and secure their networks.

Proactive Strategies to Prevent Ransomware Attacks

In today’s digital age, ransomware attacks have emerged as one of the most formidable threats to organizations worldwide. These malicious software attacks encrypt files on a device, rendering them inaccessible to users, and demand a ransom for decryption keys. The impact of ransomware can be devastating, leading to significant financial losses, operational downtime, and reputational damage.

SecurityScorecard 2024 Global Third-Party Cybersecurity Breach Report: Software supply chain is top target for ransomware groups

The SecurityScorecard Global Third-Party Breach Report uses the world’s largest proprietary risk and threat dataset to provide unique insights into the intricate web of supply chain vulnerabilities exploited by ransomware groups. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so too do the tactics of cyber adversaries. Ransomware groups, in particular, have honed in on a prime target: the software supply chain.

Beating LockBit at its Own Game: Law enforcement's takedown of a prolific ransomware group

After a years-long investigation, this week the FBI and law enforcement agencies in the UK and Europe took over the main website of the cybercrime group known as LockBit. Law enforcement additionally arrested LockBit associates in Poland, Ukraine, and the U.S. and the U.S. Treasury imposed sanctions on Russian nationals affiliated with the group. The joint operation re-engineered LockBit’s online system to mimic the countdown clock used by the group in its extortion attempts.

3 2 1... Impact! Early Results under the SEC's Cybersecurity Governance Rule

In July 2023, the SEC adopted a new rule requiring disclosure of “material” cybersecurity incidents and detailed information on cybersecurity risk management, strategy and governance by public companies. With the new rule taking effect in December and annual reports due for public release and consumption in the first few months 2024, companies are scrambling to closely review and hone their cyber programs to address these new reporting requirements.

Top 10 Cybersecurity Questions to Ask Your Vendors: A step-by-step guide to reduce supply chain risk

A cybersecurity vendor questionnaire is vital in assessing the competency and reliability of potential partners. It serves as a comprehensive tool to evaluate various aspects crucial for safeguarding sensitive data and infrastructure. Through detailed inquiries about security protocols, compliance measures, incident response plans, and past breach incidents, the questionnaire helps gauge the vendor’s commitment to robust cybersecurity practices.

Chinese Hacking Group Targets US Critical Infrastructure

Earlier this month, the FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued a joint warning that the hacking group known as “Volt Typhoon” has been lurking in US critical infrastructure systems for at least five years.

What is the Zero Trust Security Model?

Traditional security paradigms are increasingly falling short against sophisticated cyber threats in the dynamic and challenging cybersecurity landscape. This has led organizations to adopt the zero-trust security model, a paradigm shift that assumes no internal or external entity is to be trusted without verification.

Love in the Time of Cyber Threats: Romance Scams and Dating App Cybersecurity

As the digital attack surface expands, organizations and individuals worldwide face the nonstop threat of cyberattacks, phishing scams, and other cyber vulnerabilities. And with Valentine’s Day here, romance scams — especially ones originating online — are intensifying. With that in mind, SecurityScorecard’s researchers took a close look at the world of dating app security and romance scams to protect people—and their hearts—during Valentine’s Day.