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As MGM Struggles Amid Ransomware Fallout, Data Recovery Lessons Abound

Picture this: Your IT infrastructure is breached by a nefarious actor, who then encrypts critical data and holds your organization hostage until a ransom is paid. Far from hypothetical, this is exactly what happened to multi-billion-dollar casino operator MGM Resorts International last week when hit with a ransomware attack – the latest in a string of large-scale, high-profile cyber security incidents.

The International Joint Commission Falls Victim to Ransomware Attack; 80GB Of Data Stolen

The International Joint Commission (ICJ), an organization that handles water issues along the Canada–United States border, was hit by a ransomware attack, the Register reports. The Commission said in a statement, “The International Joint Commission has experienced a cyber security incident.

National Coding Week: Closing the skills gap with secure code training

Want to know the best way to make sure you can get a good job with good pay? Choose a field where the demand for workers exceeds the supply. Welcome to computer coding. While estimates of a skilled worker shortage vary, most put it somewhere in the dozens of millions worldwide. And it’s the catalyst for National Coding Week (NCW), which runs September 14-20. The event, launched in 2014 in the U.K.

6-Step Guide to Understanding Risk Based Vulnerability Management

The scale of vulnerabilities identified today has made identification a seemingly endless challenge. Traditional management programs tend to adopt an ‘everything is a risk’ approach. This will easily lead to overwhelmed IT teams. IT teams should refine their remediation methods to enrich vulnerabilities with business context, threat intelligence, data science, and machine learning.

Wallarm Webinar: NIST CSF 2.0, API Security, and CISO Imperatives

Last week, our good friend Raj Umadas, Director of Security at ActBlue, teamed up with our very own Tim Erlin, Head of Product, to talk about the newly proposed NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). It was a fantastic discussion covering the intent behind this update, the major changes from v1.1 to v2.0, and how it applies to API security. Raj and Tim really dug deep into a lot of issues, and answered a lot of questions from the audience.

CrowdStrike and Intel Corporation: Addressing the Threat Landscape Today, Tomorrow and Beyond

At CrowdStrike, our mission is to stop breaches. We’re constantly researching and developing new technologies to stay ahead of sophisticated threats and stop adversaries from advancing their attacks. With collaborators like Intel, we’re at the forefront of integrating hardware, software and services to address the current and future challenges of the security professional.

Security Issues of IoT: Securing Your IoT Device in 2023

The Internet of Things (IoT) has made a huge impact on our lives, connecting homes, workplaces and cities in ways that was once only seen as futuristic. But this connectedness comes with its own set of security challenges which need to be addressed. Are we doing enough to protect ourselves from potential security vulnerabilities now?

What is ZTNA? Benefits and Implementation Explained

Organizations must stay ahead of the ever-changing landscape of cyber threats and embrace Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), a modern approach to network security. With ZTNA, granular access control is enforced along with identity-based authentication for secure and efficient networks that protect valuable assets. Are you ready to experience the benefits offered by this revolutionary zero trust implementation of network access?

4 Best Practices to Guarantee Successful AWS Migration

Successful AWS migration takes more than simply choosing to migrate. It’s a journey, and you need to be confident in your choice to upend your existing on-premise workflows to align with your business’s future. The fundamental process around a migration strategy includes understanding the benefits of a new system, assessing gaps in your existing system, migration planning, and ultimately the actual migration aspect.