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Demo: Code Intelligence's Fuzz Testing Platform. C/C++ example.

Sergej Dechand, Code Intelligence's CEO, demonstrates how developers can submit new code, which is automatically tested and analyzed for security issues. Sergej explains the process of running tests, assessing findings, and integrating with ticketing systems. You'll also see how to measure code coverage and download reports. It includes all the mentioned use cases with simulating hardware and autogenerated fuzz test setup..

Introducing fAST Dynamic: Streamlining dynamic application security testing

Today, we're excited to announce the availability of fAST Dynamic, the latest offering on the Polaris Software Integrity Platform®. As web applications become more complex, so too does the task of testing them for security issues at the pace of modern development pipelines. Polaris fAST Dynamic simplifies dynamic application security testing (DAST) for modern web applications, while also making it faster and easier for the teams developing them.

Introducing fAST Dynamic to the Polaris Software Integrity Platform | Synopsys

Now a part of the Polaris Software Integrity Platform, fAST Dynamic provides next generation dynamic analysis at scale. fAST Dynamic is a DAST solution that provides an automated, self-service dynamic testing solution for effectively analyzing modern technologies that is fast, easy, and accurate.

ISO/SAE 21434 compliance in 2024: what's new and how to act

Most modern vehicles are equipped with a variety of software systems and resemble sophisticated computers on wheels. The ISO/SAE 21434 standard is a framework that provides recommendations and requirements for secure software development in the automotive industry. But what is ISO 21434 exactly? And what can we expect from automotive software security in 2024? Read on and find out!

Integrating Veracode DAST Essentials into Your Development Toolchain

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, developers face increasing pressure to deliver secure applications within tight deadlines. With the emphasis on faster releases, it becomes challenging to prioritize security and prevent vulnerabilities from being introduced into production environments. Integrating dynamic application security testing (DAST) into your CI/CD pipeline helps you detect and remediate vulnerabilities earlier, when they are easier to fix.
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Running DAST in CI/CD for Regression Testing

In the fast-paced field of software development, ensuring applications remain functional and secure through updates is essential. Regression testing, which checks that new code doesn't harm existing features, is key. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) tools play a crucial role here. They identify security flaws in active web applications. This article explores the importance of DAST tools, integration, and enhancement in regression testing.

Secure your code and protect your data flows with Riscosity and Semgrep

Semgrep is a leading static application security testing (SAST) tool powered by an open-source community for surfacing bugs, discovering vulnerabilities, and enforcing code standards. Semgrep has scanned over 75 million packages, contributed to 2000 community rules, and supports over 30 coding languages. Riscosity is the leading data flow observability and security platform. This is why we’re excited to announce Ricosity’s new integration with Semgrep.

Why MobSF Isn't Ideal for Application Security Testing?

Mobile Security Framework (MobSF), launched by OWASP in 2015, is a partially automated, open-source, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing framework capable of performing static, dynamic, and malware analysis. MobSF is one of the most widely used security applications where the testing framework - a simple, flexible, and incredibly powerful tool has quickly become the lingua franca of security. The flexibility and accessibility of the tool are helpful but also dangerous.