Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


And The Award Goes To...

Since 2009 we have been innovating and creating the best and most innovative cybersecurity technologies for our customers. This hard work pays off every day when we talk with our customers and others in the industry, about the strength of their security posture with CleanINTERNET®. We also appreciate when our company and technology is validated by third parties.

The Increasing Incentive for Legacy Companies to Challenge Patents

Across all industries, the incentive for legacy companies to challenge patents, has increased. Why? Because it's proven to be a valuable tactic in slowing or stopping competitors - ultimately impeding innovation as these disruptive companies are forced to spend significant money defending themselves. The impact? According to @Harvard Business Review so-called patent trolls cost defendants an average of $29B per year.

The Power of Innovation in Business

Since the conception of mankind, our world has thrived on innovation. It solves problems and drives progress, moving our world forward generation after generation. Innovation has led to the development of new technologies, products, and services that solve problems and meet the needs of people in ways that were previously not possible. From the wheel and the printing press to electricity, cars, computers and the internet – it’s hard to imagine a world without these inventions.

CleanINTERNET Controls for TikTok Available Following US Lawmakers Ban

In the last week, The U.S. House of Representatives ordered its staff and lawmakers to delete TikTok from any government-issued mobile device due to security concerns with the popular video-sharing app. But, it’s not just the government taking action for a potential security vulnerability. A handful of college campuses announced that they are banning access to TikTok from campus WiFi in accordance with their respective governors’ executive orders.

Instilling a Higher Level of Trust: Miles & Stockbridge

In this day and age securing data and ensuring clients are confident in their information being protected is imperative to build trust. So when integrating solutions how can you make sure that not only is data secure, but that you continue to increase bandwidth within your organization and mitigate future possible vulnerabilities?

Instilling a Higher Level of Trust: Miles & Stockbridge

In this day and age securing data and ensuring clients are confident in their information being protected is imperative to build trust. So when integrating solutions how can you make sure that not only is data secure, but that you continue to increase bandwidth within your organization and mitigate future possible vulnerabilities?

How Banks Around the World Can Prevent Cyber Attacks

As both consumer and commercial banking clients shift to primarily utilize online banking, they still have high expectations that their financial assets will be secure. In 2021, the banking industry reported 703 cyberattack attempts per week — a 53% increase from 2020. And the cost of cyberattacks in the industry has reached $18.3 million annually per breach.

The Cycle: Global Threat Dynamics

On this inaugural episode of The Cycle, Bob Gourley, Co-Founder and CTO of OODA Loop, speaks on the current global threat landscape - demonstrating both the risks and opportunities for businesses. In addition to the strategic actions business can take to mitigate risks through automation, decision making and more - he dives deep into the geopolitical realities currently being faced and provides actionable recommendations for decision makers.

Walt & Company: Staying Ahead of the Curve

Most small businesses handle cybersecurity by crossing their fingers. They don't think they need it until they get hacked. But it doesn't matter if you're a one man shop or a big enterprise company. And while Walt & Company is a small organization, their clients are multibillion dollar global companies operating around the world. Their businesses are critically important and thus the security of their digital assets are critically important to them. So how can a company stay ahead of the curve when it comes to cybersecurity?