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Active Directory Auditing Guidelines

Active Directory and AD Group Policy are foundational elements of any Microsoft Windows environment because of the critical role they play in account management, authentication, authorization, access management and operations. Accordingly, proper Active Directory auditing is essential for both cybersecurity and regulatory compliance.

[Infographics] Compliance Landscape 2021

Organizations are recognizing that data security compliance is a foundational element of any successful business. The demand for compliance officers, IT security professionals and data protection officers is growing; spending on compliance programs is increasing; and businesses are treating compliance as a key part of their overall strategy. Some compliance teams are still struggling to secure the resources and personnel needed to build a robust and proactive compliance program.

CCPA Compliance: How to Become Compliant

Personal information (PI) enables businesses to customize the customer experience and boost sales. However, consumer rights advocacy and privacy regulations, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and state data privacy laws enacted in the United States, limit the collection of PI. Preeminent among these laws is the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA).

What Is the NIST Cybersecurity Framework?

With cyber threats rapidly evolving and data volumes expanding exponentially, many organizations are struggling to ensure proper security. Implementing a solid cybersecurity framework (CSF) can help you protect your business. One of the best frameworks comes from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. This guide provides an overview of the NIST CSF, including its principles, benefits and key components.

What Is FISMA Compliance? Key Requirements and Best Practices

It should come as no surprise that the federal government takes cybersecurity compliance quite seriously. After all, federal agencies manage massive stores of data related to national and international security and public health, as well as the personal information of most residents of the country. FISMA (the Federal Information Security Management Act) defines a set of security requirements intended to provide oversight for federal agencies on this front.