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Vulnerability Remediation for Servers: Beyond Just Patching

To understand vulnerability remediation one must first understand remediation in cyber. Remediation refers to the process of addressing and resolving security vulnerabilities or incidents that could potentially pose a threat to an organization’s information systems, data, or network.

Server Compliance Simplified: Compliance for Security

Server compliance stands as a cornerstone of robust data protection and organizational integrity. Explaining the Importance of Server Compliance involves understanding what it means to be compliant. Server compliance is the adherence to specific regulations, standards, and best practices designed to safeguard sensitive information, maintain operational efficiency, and mitigate potential risks.

What is FFIEC Compliance?

As financial institutions navigate the ever-evolving challenges of cybersecurity, understanding and implementing the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) compliance becomes paramount. Here, we aim to be your guide, providing valuable information and practical hardening tips to help financial institutions not only meet but exceed FFIEC compliance standards. This blog will discuss.

OpenScap Security Guide

Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) is not a single standard but rather a collection of open standards. SCAP tool integrates a set of existing standards to create a standardized approach to security automation, configuration, patch checking, compliance and automated configurations. SCAP is managed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

OS hardening 20 Best Practices

Operating system (OS) hardening, a facet of system hardening, involves the implementation of security measures of operating systems like Windows, Linux, or macOS (aka OS X) to bolster their defenses against cyberattacks. The primary aim is to fortify sensitive computing systems, thereby reducing their vulnerability to various security threats, including data breaches, unauthorized access, system intrusions, and malware in accordance with best security practices.

CCRI in Cybersecurity and Defense

The Command Cyber Readiness Inspection (CCRI) is a comprehensive cybersecurity evaluation and assessment conducted by the United States Department of Defense (DoD). A CCRI serves as a formal inspection aimed at enhancing accountability and bolstering the security posture of DoD Information Networks in alignment with DoD standards, with a specific focus on Command, Mission, Threat, and Vulnerability.

NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF) Explained

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Risk Management Framework (RMF) is a robust, adaptable method for managing and mitigating information security risks within government agencies and organizations working with government systems. It integrates security, privacy, and cyber supply chain risk management into the system development life cycle.

SQL server attacks: mechanisms you must know

SQL server attacks are one of the most painful attacks organizations can suffer. An organization’s database is one of its softest spots, with a wide surface area susceptible to attacks. This results in it being an attractive target of attackers. Neglecting your organization’s SQL server security is equivalent to having a bomb ticking in your organization’s IT infrastructure.

PCI DSS Compliance Hardening Policy

Server configuration hardening is a basic requirement for compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) v4.0 that was updated in April 2022 from PCI DSS Version 3.2.1. Server hardening is a fundamental process that ensures the security of servers in the network by reducing the servers attack surface through implementation of secure configurations.