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Threat Intelligence

Utilizing Threat Intelligence to Mitigate Cyber Risks

In an age where digital threats are constantly evolving, understanding and mitigating cyber risks is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Advanced threat intelligence plays a vital role in this process, providing the insights needed to identify, assess, and effectively respond to cyber risks. Let’s discuss how businesses can leverage threat intelligence to enhance their cybersecurity posture and protect against the ever-changing landscape of cyber threats.

Optimizing Incident Response with Advanced Threat Intelligence

In today’s cyber landscape, rapid and effective incident response is crucial for organizations to mitigate the impact of cyber attacks. Advanced Threat Intelligence (ATI) is emerging as a key player in enhancing incident response strategies. This blog post aims to elucidate how modern threat intelligence tools refine and improve these strategies, equipping organizations with the necessary insights and agility to respond to cyber threats efficiently.

Real-Time Threat Intelligence: Revolutionizing Cybersecurity Responses

Cyber threats emerge and evolve at an astonishing pace, and the ability to respond quickly and efficiently is more crucial than ever. Real-Time Threat Intelligence has become a vital tool in this ongoing battle, providing organizations with the agility and insight needed to counteract these threats effectively.

What is Cybersecurity threat intelligence sharing

Knowledge is power and collaboration is key for organizations to continuously adapt and improve their security measures in order to stay ahead of cybercriminals. An effective way to stay ahead is by enhancing an organization's security posture through cybersecurity threat intelligence sharing.

The Future of Cyber Threat Intelligence: 10 Trends and Predictions

In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, staying ahead of threats is not just a matter of strategy but of survival. Cyber threat intelligence (CTI) has become an invaluable tool in this ongoing battle, helping organizations predict, prepare for, and respond to cyber threats more effectively. As we look to the future, several emerging trends and technological advancements are set to redefine the landscape of CTI.

Centripetal Partners With Tiger to Provide Cutting-Edge Cybersecurity Innovation to the UK Market for the First Time

Centripetal announces that its award winning, patented cybersecurity threat solution is available for the first time ever across the UK as a result of its strategic partnership with Tiger. With this partnership, Tiger and its customers will have a stronger approach to cybersecurity, putting operationalised threat intelligence at the forefront, moving from a reactive to proactive defence, and helping security teams be more efficient and effective.

Layoffs Mean Room for Incidents

In the face of economic headwinds, many companies are resorting to layoffs to help weather the storm. A study by Bloomberg News has found that since October 1, 2022 almost half a million employees worldwide across sectors have lost their jobs, with the tech sector accounting for nearly 150,000 of the 473,000 jobs cut. And new research by HackerOne found that in the last 12 months, 39% of companies surveyed have made security headcount cuts, and 40% plan to make then in the next 12 months.

CleanINTERNET is now available in the UK

You might recall hearing that we officially launched our Global Partner Program. It was important for us to ensure that our CleanINTERNET® solution was available immediately in the UK, and thanks to our latest partnership with Tiger this is now possible. Our innovative technology is currently deployed by over 100 customers in the U.S.

From Reactive to Proactive: Transforming Your Approach with Threat Intelligence

The landscape of cybersecurity is ever-evolving, and staying one step ahead of cyber threats has become imperative for organizations. Traditionally, many businesses have adopted a reactive approach to cybersecurity, responding to threats and breaches as they occur. However, this approach is no longer sufficient in today’s digital world. Shifting to a proactive stance, powered by threat intelligence, is crucial for enhancing an organization’s security posture.

The Role of Threat Intelligence in Proactive Cybersecurity

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the approach to cybersecurity has shifted significantly. Proactive cybersecurity has become a necessity rather than a choice, with threat intelligence playing a pivotal role in this paradigm shift. This post explores how threat intelligence forms the cornerstone of a proactive cybersecurity strategy, focusing on its role in predicting and preventing cyber attacks, thereby enhancing an organization’s security posture.