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OWASP Top 10 API security vulnerabilities | API security risks

OWASP API security top 10 is an API security project that focuses on strategies and solutions to understand and mitigate the unique vulnerabilities and security risks of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Through community-led projects globally, it is a great source for tools, resources, education & training for developers and technologists to secure the web and mobile applications. This community has also produced some of the best testing guides, cheat sheets, methodologies and a lot of community work for which all of us are grateful.

What is the Principle of Least Privilege?

Here is a simple illustration of how the principle of least privilege works. Remember when you installed Whatsapp? You most likely got a prompt asking you to click “Allow” so the app could access your media, run in the background, or manage contacts. In that instance, you were extending privileged access to the application, so it runs effectively for you.

Everything you need to know about vulnerability scanning

With high-risk vulnerabilities popping up every other week, realising there is no such dream ‘patch everything’ and configuration changes slowly add up to weakening your infrastructure security. Vulnerability management and scanning are core components of a solid cyber security strategy, ensuring a sound risk management process. Vulnerability management helps an organisation keep an eye on their assets, both from asset management and operational security.

Why is cyber security important?

Businesses not taking cyber security seriously are undermining how important it is for growth. Cyber security is covers all aspects of protecting our sensitive data held in various forms, such as personally identifiable information (PII), health records, intellectual property, industrial systems, critical infrastructure, governments and military information.

Basic principles of Information Security | CIA triad (Confidentiality, Integrity, availability)

Learn about the 3 principles of information security and the difference between information and cyber security. The three core principles of information security are called CIA triad (confidentiality, integrity and availability).

What is Cyber Kill Chain?

The Cyber kill chain, also called CKC, is a phase based cybersecurity model developed by Lockheed Martin. It is co-opted from the military term ‘kill-chain’ used to break down the structure of an attack. The team developed the model to help security teams understand with break down of an externally originated attack into seven different steps. It helps teams to learn how cyber attacks work and help prepare the defensive controls of an organisation.

Most common types of cyber security attacks (includes threats & attack vectors)

The cyber threat landscape evolves every day following the most basic to more advanced types of cyber attacks that makes daily headlines. It is due to data breaches, causing reputational, financial losses and regulatory penalties. Our aim with this article is to update the reader on various types and categories of cyber attacks that help them make informed decisions about their business to identify what is important and how it should be protected.

What is an SMB Port? How to check for open ports 445 and 139? SMB versions explained.

SMB stands for Server Message Block, once known as Common Internet File System, is a communication protocol for providing shared access between systems on a network. At a high level, it is a set of rules adopted to share files, printers in a network. SMB is a file sharing protocol that involves computers communicating with each other in a local network. This local network could be a small business within the same office or a multi-national company with offices around the globe connected to each other.